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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/988

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1406. 1905. 901 hundred dollars; and the total cost of said building, includin cost of site, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, 51all not exceed sixty thousand dollars. For site for and toward the construction of one eightmoom building, thirteenth division, to relieve the Randall and Bell schools, thirty-four thousand eight.hundred dollars; and the total cost of said building, including cost of Site, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor,_ shall not exceed sixty thousand dollars. For replacing wooden stairways with iron or stone in the following buildings: Coo , Randall, Thompson, Van Buren annex, twelve thou- _ sand do lars. That the total cost of the sites and of the several and res ective °¤¤*¤*¤*¢¤¤» ¤¤=· buildings herein provided for, when completed u n plans ancl)specifications to be previously made and approved, shallonot. exceed the sev- ` eral and res ective sums of money herein respectively appropriated or authorized fdr such urposes. That the plans and specifications for school buildings shall be re- gm um d pared under the supervision of the inspector of buildings of the Dis- prevail"` m W trict of Columbia, and shall be approved b‘y the Commissioners of the District, and shall be constructe by the Commissioners in conformity therewith; and the plans and specifications for all other buildings provided for irrthis Act shall be prepared under the su ervision of the inspector of buildings of the District of Columbia,and sihall be approved by the Superintendent of the Capitol building and the Commissioners of the District, and shall be constructed in conformity therewith. Comnu I1rs·rrr¤·r1on ron mn Dun Ann Duma. For expenses attending the instruction of deaf and dumb persons ·1><=¤f md dumb admitted to the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb from the mm District of Columbia, under section forty-eight hundred and sixty-four $S.¤¤¢-4S¢4.v.w. of the Revised Statutes, and as provided for in the Act a proved ° 'm"°‘8“‘ March first, nineteen hundred and one, and this provision shxill apply to a propriations made for the same object for the fiscal years nineteen hundred and four and nineteen hundred and five, ten thousand live hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. And the ¤<>l¢>¤¢¤•=¤¤¤r¤¤- directors of said institution are hereby authorized to provide for the education of colored deaf-mute children properly belon ing to the District of Columbia, in the Maryland School for CoIored Deaf- Mutes, or some other suitable school, at a cost not exceeding the per capita expense of educating the State pupils in such school. _ FOR METROPOLITAN POLICE. ’°"°°· For major and superintendent, four thousand dollars; captain and S“"“"“· assistant superinten ent, one thousand eight hundred dollars; four captains, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; chief clerk, who shall also be pro rty clerk, two thousand dollars; clerk, one thousand _ five hundred dolliiers; clerk, nine hundred dollars; two clerks, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; four surgeons of the police and fire departments, at five hundred and forty dollars each; additional compensation for twenty privates detailed for special service in the detection and prevention of crime, four thousan eight hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; eleven lieutenants, at one thousand three hundred and twenty do lars each; forty sergeants, at one thousand one hundred and forty dollars each; three hundred and seventy privates, class one, at nine hundred dollars each; two hundred and sixty-tive privates, class two, at one thousand and eighty dollars each; three telephone operators, at six hundred dollars each; twenty- four station keepers, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; janitor