906 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1406. 1905. character, a-nd in all cases of emergency not otherwise sufficiently pro-
- "’°"‘°°,,, ·, vided for, eight thousand dollars: Provided, That in the purchase of
all articles provided flor in this Act nolpicgrgthpn the mapket plricetshpll be id for any suc artic es, and a i s or any o suc ar IC es abogg the market price shall be rejected. °°‘“'“ °““ ""°”· FOR COURTS AND PRISONS. wlmiwmm 0£ZZ$?2§ 35.T.‘&‘Z`Q¥Sé“é£`£’¤'5E5B?§E;£?€Z'}t$2$.$t?$"}E”%ESé’§’”Z;Ei33 i under the direction of the Attorney-General, forty-five thousand dllllars. ¤¤>¤¤+!¤<>¤¤¤- Coun?-nousn, Drsrnicr or COLUMBIA! For the following force necgsary for the carehanél protection upf Sie couiéthouse in the Oisltrig of lumbia undert e irection of e nited tates mars alo the istrict of Columbia: Engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; three watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; three firemen, artaavendhundlred aind twenty ldollars each; five laborers, at four hunan eig ty o lars eac · seven assistant messen rs at seven hundred and.twent dollars eadh; in all, twelve thousanfiiinh hundred Y and dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney- enera . ~ {{.*2-,dm WARDEN or tum JAIL: For warden of the (jail of the District of CoIumbia,Gtwo thousand dollars, to be paid un er the direction of the ttorney- eneral. ‘ · “‘““°““‘°°· Surrontr or rmsoivnnsc For expenses for maintenance of the jail of the District of Columbia, including pay of guards and all other necessary personal services, and for support of prisoners therein, to be gxpended under the direction of the Attorney—General, fifty thousand 0 ars. ,,,*5.*::;% ““" °°* GHARITIES AND oonnmorious. ’°"“’°‘°*‘"‘"°’· Bosnb or Cnxnrrmsz For secretary, three thousand dollars; clerk, one Ehoiasacnid &l¢1llars;.istenographer, one thousandxdogars; mgssenger, six un r o |ars· our inspectors at seven un red an twenty dollars lpacli1;°téra(yelllihg expteusles, gouinhunldreg dgllarsi; {our dlrivers, at six un r o rs eac · ost er, ve un re au orty ollarsin all, eleven thousand eigbthundred and twenty dollars. l For one inspector now authorized and being paid from the appro- _ priation for re ief of the poor, nine hundred dollars. R°'°“"‘°"°* nnromuronrns AND oo1uu·:c·rroNAL INSTITUTIONS. W“*“”¢°°°A¤Y*“¤- Fon Wasnrserox Asrmm: For superintendent, one thousand five hungred dpllars; visiitinghphyésicgan, one lthousand and eighty dollars; _ residen p ysician, our un re and eiv ty dollars; matron, six hundred dollars; clerk, eight hundred and cforty dollars; pro rty clerk, pight hhunldresl anél :0rty dgllzhrs; baker, six hundred dollhis;1 baker, our un re an wenty dollars- rincipal overseer o e t o d two_ hundred dollars; fifteen ovenzseldrs, at six hnndrell dlollars llslllh; englpeeéglsix hundred] dollars; assistant engjlneeiyhfoulr hiundried and eig y dollars· secon assistant engineer t ree un re an sixty dollars; engineer at hospital for seven arid one—half months, at fift dollmils pe;·;pfc;nthl;lpng1neer at ne:- workhous; for sever; and pne-hall mon s.a oarspermont·twowatcm , t d·d and eighty dollhrs each; two watchinen, at three€liurlidrel)lu;ndus!hxl:€’— gra do larsheagh; awe might 5vat¢(;l(;g1en,lat liv; hupdreid(a5nclifp{ty-eight o ars eac ; c smi an w wor er, ve un r dollars; carpenter, five hundred dollars; driver for dead wagon, three hundred and sixty-five dollars; hostler and driver, two hundred and forty dol-