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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/994

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1406. 1905. 907 lars; keeper at female workhouse, three hundred dollars; keeper at female workhouse, one hundred and eighty dollars; two female attendants at almshouse, one hundred and eighty dollars each; hos ital cook, six hundred dollars; chief cook for almshouse and workhouse, six · hundred dollars; two assistant cooks, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; two assistant cooks, at one hundred and twenty dollars each; trained nurse, who shall act as suqrintendent of nursing, six hundred dollars; two graduate nurses, at t ree hundred and sixty-tive dollars each; graduate nurse for receiving ward, three hundred and sixty-five dollars· two nurses for tuberculosis wards, at three hundred and sixty- five dollars each; six orderlies, at three hundred dollars each; pupil nurses, not less than twenty-one in number, one thousand five hundred dollars; registered pharmacist, who shall act as hospital clerk, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, thirty-two thousand two hundred and twenty-six dollars. For the following, now authorized and being paid from the appropriation for contingent expenses, namely: y For gardener, five hundred and forty dollars; herdsman, three hun- c0§;‘{§;_,‘;§,§°§xpg_‘g' dred and sixty-five dollars; ilorist, three hundred dollars; tailor, one ` hundred and twenty dollars; and for temporary labor not to exceed three thousand dollars; in all, four thousand three hundred and twenty- five dollars. _ For contingent expenses, including provisions, fuel, forage, harness, C°“"”g°“”°‘P°“"’* and vehicles and repairs to same, gas, ice, shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, drugs an medical supp ies, furniture and bed ing, kitchen gtepsils, and other necessary items, sixty-one thousand five hundred o ars. For repairs to buildings, plumbing, painting, lumber, hardware, cement, lime, oil, tools, cars, tracks, steam heating and cooking apparatus, two thousand dollars. For completion of a workhouse for males, sixty thousand dollars. “'°’“’°“’°· For completion of a municipal almshouse, consisting of one or more ·*‘”""°“”°· plain, substantial buildings, including water supply, heating, ventilatingl, and lighting apparatus, seventy-five thousand dollars. or installing new baths in workhouse buildings, two thousand five hundred dollars. For installing a laundr plant, including metallic washers, extractors, man le, engine, pullleys, shafting, belting, and dry box, four thousand dollars. For: Rmrorm SGHOOL: For care and maintenance of boys committed §§§‘Q,‘;';‘n§‘{,*]§P};, iu_ to the Reform School by the courts of the District of Co umbia under mwa contract to be made by the Board of Charities with the authorities of said Reform School, twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Rrzrorm Scnoor. ron Grrzrs: Superintendent, one thousand two hun- G,§*;f°”'* S"*‘°°‘ ‘°' dred dollars; treasurer, six hundred dollars; matron, six hundred dol- ¤¤1¤m·¤- lars; two teachers, at six hundred dollars each; overseer, seven hundred and twent dollars; live teachers of industries, at four hundred and eightv dollars each; engineer, six hundred dollars; assistant engineer, four hundred and twenty dollars; night watchman, three hundred and sixtv—five dollars; laborer, three hundred dollars; in all, eight thousand four hundred and five dollars. _ Ex u For groceries, provisions, light, fuel, soap, orl, lamps, candles, cloth- °° ’°‘ ing, shoes, forage, horseshoeing, medicines, medical attendance, hack hire, trans ortation, labor, sewing machines,fixtures, books, stationery, horses, vehicles, harness, cows, pigs, fowls, sheds, fences, repairs, and other necessary items, ten thousand dollars; In all. eighteen thousand four hundred and five dollars. _ _ Tr2Axs1=on·rA·rr0N OF rmsoxmas: For conveying prisoners to the 0n'§;f"P°’““¤ ¥““‘ workhouse, including salary of driver not to exceed seven hundred