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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/995

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908 FIFFY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1406. 1905. and twenty dollars, as now authorized and being paid, and the purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and harness, two thousand dollars.

      • 6*** °'m“*°°— Muoron. Cuanrrms.

m€’°°°m°“" H°’P*‘ For the care and treatment of indigent patients, under a contract to be made with the F reedmen’s Hospital and Asylum by the Board of Charities, twenty-five thousand five undred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. coiumua Hospital. For the care and treatment of indigengpaticnts, under a contract to be made with the Columbia Hospital fog omen grid Lyitpgi-ip Asylum by the Board of Charities not to excee twenty ousau 0 lars. Repairs. For repairs to Columbia Hospital building, including installation of · new boilers, two thousand dollars. _ _ - Ch11dren’ Hospital- For the care and treatment of lndlgent patients, undef 8. C0l1t1‘8Ct to be madedwith the Ehildretpg Hospita by the Board of Charities, not to excee fifteen thousand ollars. ; » ,g¢p¤¤¤¤·•¤¤¤= ¤¤•· For the care, and treatment of indigent Etients, under aeontract to Pbe made with the National Homeopathic ospital Association by the Board of Charities, not to exceed eiglht thousand five hundred do lars. B¤¤¤i¤z- For additional amount to aid in the reconstruction and completion , V<>1- Btn- 978- of the building for the National Homeopathic Hospital, pirovided for by the District of Columbia appropriation Act approved i arch third, nineteen hundred and three, eighteen thousand six hundred and sixty- eight dollars and sixty-two cents, to be immediately available. Emergency ¤<>¤r>i- For emer ency care and treatment of, and free dis ensary service m` to indigentgpatients under a contract or a cement el; be made with the Central Dis ensa and Emer euc Hhs ital b the Board of Ch 'f t thp liyd ll g y P y ari ies en ousau dollars. E¤*°¤¤ DiSP**”S*“'Y· For euiergency care and treatment of, and free dispensary service to, indigeutpatients under a contract or agreement to be made with the Eastern iswnsary by the Board of Charities, two thousand dollars. W°¤=¤¤’** C“¤i°· d 5 or the omen’s Clinic, maintenance, seven hundred and fifty 0 ars. . . b,;°¤° M ‘”°“’*· 6 F? Vigashiréghpn Home for Iucurablcs, maintenance, three thousand ` ve un red 0 rs. E¤¤¤*¤•*¤¤>’°*** To enable the Board of Charities to provide for emergency care and _ treatment of, and free dispensary service to, indigent patients, under P""` contracts or agreements with hospitals and dispensaries: 1)l'0’l72.(Z6d, Rm ° °” That no part 0 this sum shall be used to estab ish or maintain any hospital or dispcnsary not -now existing in the District of Columbia, tive thousand ollars. Cm °' °""°'°“‘ ourno-manm rxsrrrurioxs. (,,£,",.'}§l,§j °“"‘"°"" Boann or Cl-IILDREN’S Guxnomxs: For the Board of Childrcn’s VOL ”» P- 26*· Guardians, created under the Act a roved Jul twenty-sixth, eighteeu hddd'ett l£pd"tlf gid un re an mn y- wo, name : or a minis ra ive e. uses inc u — in ex icnses in lacin and visitin children and all om and sundr cgcl th th gd h¢Fddll’ y x uses, . ree thousand one un re dollars· For the following, now authorized and beirig paid from the appropriation for administrative expenses namely: ¤•¤•¤¤ For agent, one thousand five hundred dollars; probation officcr, one thousand two hundred dollars; executive clerk, one thousand and eighty dollars; placing officer, nine hundred dollars; placing officer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; investigating clerk, seven hundred and twenty dollars; record clerk, six hundred and sixty dollars; visitin inspector, four hundred and eighty dollars; messenger, three hundred F“mmnmcm_ an sixtydollars; in all, seven thousand six hundred and twent dollars; ami. For maintenance of feeble-minded children, twelve thousand, dollars;