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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/997

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910 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1406. 1905. laborer, three hundred and sixty dollars, now authorized and being paid from the general appropriation; and for maintenance, including rent, one thousanddeight undred and sixty dollars; in all, four thousand five hundred dollars. _G¤;nd Army S¤1- For temporary Home for ex—Union Soldiers and Sailors, Grand °`°” H°m°' Arm of the Republic, namely: For superintendent, one thousand two hundred dollars; `anitor, three hundred and sixty dollars; and cook, three hundred and sixty dollars, now authorized and being paid from the eneral appropriation; and for maintenance, three thousand five hunched and eighty dollars; in all, five thousand five hundred dollars, to be ex nded under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Cblumbia, aqld ex—soldiers and sailors of the Spanish war shall also be admitted to the Home. - Wemgrgs C¤¤¤¤¤¤ d Spr the Women’s Christian Association, maintenance, two thousand o rs. siglovs ¤¤d Help Mb For the care and maintenance of women and children under a con- ' tract to be made with the Florence Crittenton Hope and Help Mission by the Board of Charities, maintenance, two thousand dollars. m;¤vr<>r¤<>f i¤<¤is¤¤¢ Hosrrnn rox rim Insmnz For support of the indigent insane of °°' the District of Columbia in the Government Hospital or the Insane ¤&¤$,,¤,;¤*8*4·486°» in said District, as provided in sections forty-eigipt hundred and forty- W ’four and forty-eight hundred and fifty of the evised Statutes, two hundred and seventy-two thousand eight hundred dollars. degigaring ¤¤¤¤¤*· For deportation from the District og Columbia of nonresident insane l15X1C. -" ver ao, p.s11. persons, in accordance with the Act of Lon ress To change the proceedings for admission to the Governmentilospital for the Insane in certain cases, and for other purposes," approve January thirty-first, ei hundred and ninety-nine, two thousand dollars. ofgigglgg *0 Fwd Hhat in expending the foregoing sum the disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorize to advance to the secretary of the Board of Charities, upon requisitions previously approved by the auditor of the District of Columbia, and upon such security as the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may require of said secretary, sums of money not exceedin three hundred dollars at one time, to be used only for deportation Irom the District of nonresident insane persons, and to be accounted for monthly on itemized vouchers to the accounting officers of the District of Columbia. Y Relief <>f¤¤¤ 1><><>r· RELIEF or mn roon: For relief of the poor, including y of physicians to the or at not exceeding one dollar per day each? who shall be appointedplry the Commissioners of the District of Columbia lqn Elhedrplcqmmendation of the health officer, twelve thousand three un re o lars. '*`*°¤°'P°"·°“°¤· h'I`RAss1r3airA*1*1oN or PAUBERS1 For transportation of paupers, two thousand o lars.

  • '*"P°‘”*"· For the following, to be expended under the authority and direction of the commanding general, who is hereby authorized and

emlpowered to make necessary contracts and leases, namely: or rent, fuel, light, heat, care, and repair of armories, practice ships, hosts, machinery, and dock, dredging alongside of dock, and for telephone service, twenty thousand dollars. h Fgr lgcéxqps, furniture, and gymnastic apparatus for armories, four un re dollars. For printing and stationery, six hundred and fifty dollars. For cleaning and repairing uniforms, arms, and equipments, and contingent expenses, one thousand two hundred dollars. _Fo{·1custodi1a§nlin charge of United States property and storerooms, mne un re dollars.