FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III.` Ch. 1406. 1905. 911 For clerk, oiliee of the Adjutant—General, seven hundred and twenty dollars. d 5 or expenses of drills and parades, one thousand seven hundred o ars. For expenses of riile practice and matches, four thousand seven hundred ollars, to be immediately avaikrble. For expenses of camps, instruction, practice marches, and practice C!mP emma cruises, including fuel for cruising purposes, nineteen thousand two hundred dollars. ` For pay of troops, other than Government employees, to be dis- P“Y‘ bursed under the authority and direction of the commanding general, seventeen thousand six hundred dollars: ]·t·02:ided, That hereafter Qfamwageg members of the National Guard of the District of Columbia who S _ ° m°mb°”' receive compensation for their services as such shall not be held or construed to be officers of the United States, or persons holdin any place of trust or proiit, or discharging any official function uneir or mg; 9-- ¤°°· 5**- P- in connection wit any Executive Department of the Government of the United States within the rovisions of section fifty-four hundred and ninety-eight of the Revised) Statutes of the United States: Provided further, That all moneys collected on account of deductions made from oimrgggpitgu M l°¤ the pay of any officer or enlisted man of the National Guard of the P ` District of Columbia on account of Government pro rty lost or ` destroyed by such individual shall be repaid into theglnited States Treasury to the credit of the officer of the militia of the District of Columbia who is accountable to the United States Government for such property lost or destroyed: Pravided fwrther, That all moneys U°° °*“¤°•·°°°~ collected on account of deductions made from the pay of any officer or enlisted man of the National Guard of the District of Columbia for or on account of any violation of the regulations governing said National Guard shall be held by the comman ing general of the militia of the District of Columbia, who is authorized to expend such moneys so collected for necessaryclerical and general expenses of the service, heretofore or hereafter incurred, including law books and books of reference, or for the pay of troops, other than Government employees; and for all moneys so collected and expended the commanding general shall make an accounting in like manner as for the appropriation disbursed for pay of troops. For general incidental expenses of the service, three hundred dollars. WATER DEPARTMENT. w"°°’“°""““°"‘· The following sums are hereby appropriated to carry on the opera- ,,,*§§,{§‘gQf* "°‘“ ’""°' tions lof the water department, to be paid wholly from its revenues, name : Foryrevenue and inspection branch: For water registrar, who shall widgdggiilsuiid i"` also perform the duties of chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; chief inspector, nine hundred and thirty-six dollars; eight inspectors, at nine hundred dollars each; messenger, six hundred dollars; _ _ _ For distribution branch: For su rintendent, three thousand dollars· D‘“"b"°‘°“°"“°*‘· draftsman, one thousand five hundred dollars; foreman, one thousand tive hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; time keeper, nine hundred dollars; assistant foreman, nine hundred dollars; tapper and machinist, nine hundred dollars; three steam engineers, at one thousand one hundred dollars each: calker. seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, thirty thousand one hundred and fiftfy-six dollars. For the following, now authorized and being paid rom general appropriations for the water department, namely: _ it or one assistant engineer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one ,wE;1”P,;*;;‘;°,;, {px: assistant engineer, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; one printions.
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