limits hereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and it appears that the public good would be promoted by setting apart and reserving said lands as a public reservation;
Now, Therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested by section twenty-four_of the aforesaid Act of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that there are hereby reserved from entry or settlement and set apart as a Public Reservation all those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of and ' lying and being situate in the State of California, and within the boundaries particular y described as follows:
Beginning at the north-west corner of Township forty-seven (47) Nortld;1 Range fifteen (15) East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, Cal1— fornia; thence easterlyto the north-east corner of said township; thence . northerly along the range line to the State Line between the States of Califorma and Oregon; thence easterly along said State Line to the point for the north-east corner of Section thirty-five (35), Township forty-eight (48})] North, Range sixteen (16) East; thence southerly to the point for the south—east corner of said section;-thence westerly to the north-west corner of the north-east quarter of Section two (2), Township forty-seven (47) North, Range sixteen (16) _East; thence southerly to the south-west corner of the north-east quarter of said section; thence westerly to the point for the south-west corner of the north-west quarter of said section; thence northerly to the point for the south-east corner of the north-east quarter of Section thirty- four (34), Townshi forty-eight (48) North, Range sixteen (16) East; thence westerly to Exe point for. the south-west corner of the north-east quarter of said section; thence southerly to the point for the southeast corner of the south-west quarter of said section; thence westerly ‘ to the point for the north—east corner of Section four (4), Township forty-seven (47) North, Range sixteen (16) East; thence southerly to the point for the south-east corner of said section; thence easterly to the point for the north-east corner of Section ten (10), said township; thence southerly to the north-west corner of the south-west quarter of Section fourteen (14), said township; thence easterly to the north—east corner of the south-west quarter of said section; thence southerly to the south-east corner of the north-west quarter of Section twenty-three ' (23), said township; thence westerly to the north-west corner of the south-east quarter of Section twenty-two (22), said township; thence southerly to the south-west corner of the south-east quarter of said section; thence westerly to the north—east corner of the north-west quarter of Section (28), said township; thence southerly to the southeast corner of the north-west uartcr of said section; thence westerly to the south-west corner of the north-west quarter of said section; thence southerly to the south-east corner of Section twenty-nine (29), said township; thence westerly to the north—east corner of Section thirty-one (31), said township; thence southerlv to the south-east corner of said section; thence westerly to the north-west corner of Section one (1), Township forty-six (46) North, Range fifteen (15) East: thence southerly to the point for the south—east corner of Section two (2), said Township; thence westerly to the point for the south-west corner of said section; thence southerly to the point for the north-west corner of the south-west quarter of the north-west quarter of Section twenty- three (23), said townsh?; thence easterly to the north-east corner of the south-east quarter o the north-east quarter of Section twcntv-four (24), said township; thence southerly to the south-east corner of Sect10D twenty-five (25), said township; thence westerlv to the north-east corner of Section thirt -1ive (35), said township; thence southerly to the south—east corner ofv said section; thence easterly alonv the Ninth v 19 ·‘ (9th) Standard l€’arallel l\orth to the north—east corner of Township forty-five (45) North, Range nfteen (15) East; thence southerly to the