south-east corner of Section twenty-five (25), said township; thence westerly to the north-east corner of Section thirty-tive (35), said township; thence southerly along the section lines to the south—east corner of Section two (2), Township fort -four (44) North, Range fifteen (15) East; thence westerly to the north-east corner of the north-west quar- ‘ ter of Section eleven (11), said township; thence southerly to the south-east corner of the south-west quarter of Section twenty-six (26)., said township; thence westerly to the north-east corner of the northwest quarter of Section thirty-four (34) said township; thence southerly to the south-east corner of the south-west quarter of said section; thence easterly to the north—east corner of Lot four (4) of Section one (1), Township forty-three (43) North, Range fifteen (15) East; thence southerly to the south-east corner of the south—west quarter of the south- west quarter of said Section; thence easterly to the north-east corner of the north-west quarter of Section twelve (12), said township; thence southerly to the south-east corner of the north—west quarter of Section thirteen (13), said township; thence easterly to the northeast corner of the south-east quarter of said section; thence southerly to the south-east corner of Section twenty-five (25), said township; thence westerly to the north-east corner of the north-west quarter of Section ’ . thirty-three (33), said township; thence southerl to the south-east corner of the south-west quarter of said section; thence easterly to the north-east corner of Township forty-two (42) North, Range fifteen (15) East; thence southerl to the south-east corner of Section fourteen (14), said township; thence westerly to the south-west corner of the south-east quarter of Section fifteen‘*‘e’I*B.S.3id township; thence northerly to the north-west corner of the no thencé`e`3Is6>?er of said section; thence westerly to the north—east cornerrtherly to tseventeen (17), said township; thence southerly to the southRange Ener of said section; thence easterly to the north-east corner qi .e north-west quarter of Section twenty-one (21), said townshippél thee southerly to the northwest corner oh the south-east quarter 0 section twenty-eight (28); said township; thence easterly to the north-east corner of the sout —east ggarter of said section; thence southerly to the north-west corner of ction thirty-four (34); said township: thence easterlv to the north east corner of the nort -west uarter of said section; thence southerly to the south—east corner of the eouth·west pnarter of said section; thence easterly to the north-east corner of ownship forty-one (41) North, Ran e fifteen (15) East; thence southerly to the north-west corner of got 2 of Section nineteen (19), Township forty-one (41) North, Range sixteen (16) East; thence easterly to the north-east corner of the south-east quarter of the north—west quarter of saiésection; thence southerly to the south·east corner of the south-west quarter of Section thirty (30), said township; thence easterly to the north—east corner of Section thirty-one (31), said township; thence-southerly to the south-east corner of said section; thence westerly along the Eighth (8th) Standard Parallel North to the point for the north-east corner of Section six (6), Township forty (40) North, Range sixteen (16) East; thence southerly to the point for the south-east corner of said section; thence easterly to the point for the north-east corner of Section eight (S). said township; thence southerly to the point for the south-east corner of Section seventeen (17), said township; thence easterly to the point for the north-east corner of the north-west quarter of Section twenty-one (21), said township; thence southerly to the point for the south—east corner of the south-west quarter of said section; thence eastterly to the point for the north-east corner of Section twenty-eight (28), said township; thence southerly to the point for the south—east corner of Section thirty-three (33%, said township: thence easterly to the north-east corner of Section t ree (3), Township thirty-nine (39) North, Range sixteen (16) East; thence southerly to the south-east vol. xxxiii, pt 2——69
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1081