Sawyer, Joseph,
pension increased
2027 |
Sawyer, Lewis,
pension increased
1561 |
Sawyer, P. B.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administratrix of
757 |
Sawyer, William,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
792 |
Saybrook, Conn., Old,
bridge authorized across Connecticut River between Lyme and
160 |
Sayre, Capt. Farrand,
deficiency appropriation for credit in accounts
25 |
Scandalous Matter,
trade-marks consisting of, refused registration
725 |
Scarlett, Harlen,
1638 |
Schade, John, sr.,
pension increased
1623 |
Schaumburg, James W.,
payment to legal representatives of
803 |
Scheall, William,
pension increased
1741 |
Schell, Susan A. (widow),
pension increased
1664 |
Schenck and Son, J. H.,
refund of internal-revenue taxes to
808 |
Schermerhorn, Albert,
pension increased
1455 |
Schetky, Charles A.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
765 |
Schilling, Eugene,
pension increased
1674 |
Schmidt, Charles R.,
pension increased
1845 |
Schmitt and Schmittdie,
refund of internal-revenue taxes to
808 |
Schmitz, Charles A.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
749 |
Schmitz, Charles F.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to son of
749 |
Schnebly, Frederick B.,
pension increased
1890 |
Schneider, John,
pension increased
2066 |
Schoer, Casper J.,
pension increased
1502 |
Schools, Alaska,
portion of "Alaska fund" devoted to
616 |
governor to be superintendent of public instruction
617 |
school districts in incorporated towns; establishment
617 |
school board, election, duties, etc.
617 |
outside of incorporated towns; establishment
617 |
school board, election, duties, etc.
618 |
reports of town schools
619 |
pupils admitted; provisions for Eskimo and Indian children
619 |
Schools, D. C. (see Public Schools, D. C.).
Schoonover, Cornelia J. (widow),
pension increased
1930 |
Schoppaul, Lillie A. (widow),
1644 |
Schreiner, William H.,
pension increased
1509 |
Schroder, Charles,
pension increased
1370 |
Schroeder, Susan C.,
pension increased
1768 |
Schubert, Martin,
pension increased
1821 |
Schuman, August,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administrator of
757 |
Schuman, Moses,
1403 |
Schumer, Frank,
pension increased
2059 |
Schwartz and Company, J. E.,
refund of internal-revenue taxes to
808 |
Schwartz and Haslett,
refund of internal-revenue taxes to
808 |
Schwemler, Nicholas,
pension increased
1415 |
Scherin, Leopold Herbert,
appointment as assistant surgeon, Navy, authorized
980 |
Scofield, Walter K.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
746 |
Scott, Albert,
deficiency appropriation for
1249 |
Scott, Ellen (widow),
pension increased
1971 |
Scott, Frances H. (widow),
pension increased
1970 |
Scott, Francis,
pension increased
1788 |
Scott, Gustavus H.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to widow
1772 |
Scott, James,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
785, 788, 789, 792, 793, 795, 797 |
Scott, Joseph B.,
pension increased
1950 |
Scott, Joseph P.,
pension increased
1619 |
Scott, Peter,
pension increased
1548 |
Scott, Thomas B.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
774 |
Scott, William,
payment to
805 |
Scott, William C.,
pension increased
1587 |
Scott, William G.,
pension increased
1566 |
Scout Cruisers,
construction authorized of three 3,750-ton; cost
350 |
cost of, increased
1116 |
Scovill, Alfred B.,
pension increased
1712 |
Scoville and Company, A. L.,
refund of internal-revenue taxes to
808 |
Scriba and Henderson,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of surviving partner
789 |
Scrivens, Benjamin H.,
pension increased
1910 |
Scuppernong River, N. C.,
appropriation for improvement of
1124 |
Sea-Otter Hunting Grounds,
appropriation for enforcing law in Alaskan waters
460, 1163 |
Sea Walls, Fortifications,
appropriation for constructing
234, 845 |
Seabury, Susie C. G. (widow),
pension increased
1819 |