Seacoast Artillery, Army,
appropriation for altering, etc.
235, 846 |
for constructing, insular possessions
236 |
Seacoast Cannon, Army,
appropriation for purchase, manufacture, etc., of, and carriages
235, 846 |
for ammunition
235, 846 |
for contract
235, 846 |
for insular possessions
237, 847 |
Seacoast Mortars,
appropriation for insular possessions
237 |
Seager, Rose Dillon,
interment of body permitted in District of Columbia
1725 |
Seal Fisheries (see also Alaskan Seal Fisheries),
appropriation for protecting
460, 1163 |
for agents' salaries and expenses
478, 1181 |
Sealer of Weights and Measures, D. C.,
appropriation for salaries, etc.
365, 886 |
Seaman and Company, Benjamin,
payment of French spoliation claim to executor of surviving partner
789 |
Seaman, Annie T. (widow),
pension increased
1980 |
Seaman (see also Merchant Seaman),
punishment for detaining seaman's clothing increased
168 |
penalty for soliciting, as lodgers, limited to foreign trade
174 |
Seaman, American,
appropriation for life-saving testimonials, rescuing shipwrecked
71, 918 |
for relief and protection of
79, 927 |
deficiency appropriation for consular services to
45, 427, 1254 |
for relief and protection of
45, 426, 427, 1254 |
Seamen's Friend Society,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
762 |
Searchlights for Harbor Defense,
appropriation for purchase, etc.
234, 845 |
Sears, George,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
784 |
Sears, James D.,
payment to
805 |
Seaton, Laura Ann (widow),
pension increased
1447 |
Seattle, Wash.,
appropriation for assay office; salaries
111, 657 |
for wages and expenses
111, 657 |
for public building
456, 1160 |
deficiency appropriation for assay office
24, 42 |
terms of court at
825 |
Sebastian Inlet, Fla.,
preliminary expenses of, to be made
1150 |
survey of, directed
1127 |
Sebewaing River, Mich.,
appropriation for improvement of
1137 |
Sebor, Jacob,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administratrix of
791 |
Sebree, Uriel,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
757 |
Sebry, John,
pension increased
1969 |
Second Assistant Postmaster-General,
appropriation for, superintendents, clerks, etc.
131, 677 |
for postal service, office of
435, 1087 |
Second-Class Mail Matter,
punishment for submitting false evidence to secure admission of publications as
823 |
Second-Class Mailing Privilege,
appropriation for counsel in suits affecting
438, 1090 |
Second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain,
payment to members of band
775 |
Secor, Lewis,
pension increased
1968 |
Secret Service Division, Treasury Department,
appropriation for chief, clerks, etc.
104, 650 |
Secretaries of Embassies and Legations,
appropriation for salaries
68, 916 |
Secretary of Agriculture,
appropriation for, Assistant, clerks, etc.
276, 861 |
for laborers and charwomen
276, 861 |
control of fund from sales, etc., forest reserves
628 |
duties establishing catttle quarantine districts
1264 |
forest reserves placed under control of
628 |
to issue rules permitting insect pests to be mailed, etc., for scientific purposes
1270 |
to permit use of earth, stone, and timber on forest reserves for national irrigation works
706 |
to prescribe regulations, etc., for game preserve, Wichita Forest Reserve, Okla.
614 |
Secretary of Agriculture, Annual Report of,
appropriation for printing and binding
512, 1213 |
Secretary of Commerce and Labor,
appropriation for, Assistant, clerks, etc.
135, 681 |
immigration duties transferred from Secretary of the Treasury to
591 |
to approve plans, etc., of Diamond Shoal, N. C., light-house
562 |
to approve fishways, etc., dam across Mississippi River, Bemidji, Minn.
1044 |
to issue regulations enforcing Philippines shipping act
182 |
to prescribe form of passenger lists for vessels from foreign ports
711 |
Secretary of State,
appropriation for, Assistant, clerks, etc.
97, 643 |
for purchase of carriage for
98 |
to submit estimates for rent of consulates
1214 |
Secretary of the Interior,
appropriation for, Assistant, clerks, etc.
123, 668 |
for assembling Indian exhibit at Louisiana Purchase Exposition
207 |
for completing work of Dawes Commission
1060 |
powers of Commision conferred upon
1060 |
authorized to change levels of lakes in Oregon and California under irrigation law
714 |
control of educating Eskimos and Indians, Alaska
619 |
duties of, allotment, sale, etc., of Yakima Indian Reservation, Wash.
595 |
Freedmen's Hospital placed under control, etc., of
1190 |
may grant rights of way for oil or gas pipe lines through Indian lands
65 |
may use, etc., earth, stone, and timber on public lands for irrigation works
706 |
to approve selection of lands for forestry use by Minnesota
536 |
to authorize bridge across Thief River, Minn.
595 |
to cause resurveys, Routt and Rio Blanco counties, Colo.
519 |
to complete work of town-site sales, etc., lands of Choctaws, etc.
1059 |