to approve plans, etc. of bridge across Bayou Louis, La.
722 |
Bayou Macon, La.
842 |
Big Sandy River, Louisa, Ky.
1015 |
Black Warrior River, Ala.
63, 1261 |
Boeuf River, La.
842 |
Calumet River, Cook County, Ill.
704 |
Choctawhatchee River, Trawicks Landing
546 |
Catalla Creek, Alaska
560 |
Coldwater River, Marks, Miss.
1035 |
Parnells Ferry, Miss.
1033 |
Conecuh River, Pollard, Ala.
622 |
Connecticut River, Chicopee to West Springfield, Mass.
541 |
Saybrook to Lyme, Conn.
160 |
Cumberland River, Canton, Ky.
1046 |
Dog River, Miss.
170 |
East Saint Mary River, Fla.
1260 |
Kootenai River, Bonners Ferry, Idaho
720 |
Little River, La.
722 |
Mississippi River, Elk River to Otsego, Minn.
153, 540 |
Itasca County, Minn.
241 |
Minneapolis, Minn.
608, 608 |
Missouri River, Chamberlain, S. Dak.
712 |
Glasgow, Mo.
1273 |
Lexington, Mo.
528 |
Saint Charles, Mo.
1272 |
Wanbliska, N. Dak.
167 |
Yankton, S. Dak.
62, 156 |
Monongahela River, Pa.
81, 717 |
Rivesville, W. Va.
157 |
Ouachita River, La.
55, 722 |
Camden, Ark.
605, 1271 |
Columbia, La.
607 |
Pend d'Oreille River, Idaho
720 |
Red Lake River, Thief River Falls, Minn.
167 |
Red River, La.
722 |
Boyce, La.
818 |
Shreveport, La.
630 |
Red River of the North, Minn. and N. Dak.
614 |
Fargo to Moorhead, N. Dak.
150 |
Saint Andrews Bay, Grassy Point, Fla.
549 |
Saint Francis River, Ark. and Mo.
572 |
Marked Tree, Ark.
9 |
Saint Joeseph River, Mich.
844 |
Sunflower River, Miss.
625 |
Vicks Landing, Miss.
615 |
Tallahatchie River, Miss.
1034 |
Tennessee River, Decatur, Ala.
701 |
Gilbertsville, Ky.
84 |
Tombigbee River, Ala.
57 |
in Mississippi
1261 |
Fulton, Miss.
606 |
Tug Fork of Big Sandy River, Delorme, W. Va.
183 |
Matewan, W. Va.
238 |
Nolan, W. Va.
1040 |
east of Nolan, W. Va.
1043 |
Vulcan, W. Va.
173 |
West Virginia, Kentucky, and Virginia
171 |
Williamson, W. Va.
179 |
Wabash River, Ind.
162 |
Terre Haute, Ind.
180 |
White River, Ind.
997 |
to approve plans, etc., of dam and locks, Cumberland River
1132 |
Mississippi River, Minn.
67 |
Bemidji, Minn.
1044 |
Rock Island Rapids
158 |
to approve plans, etc., of dam and locks, Mississippi River, Sauk Rapids, Minn.
52, 723 |
Watab Rapids, Minn.
295 |
Missouri River, S. Dak.
570 |
Rock River, Ill.
1005 |
to approve plans, etc., of harbor, Snake River, Alaska
1145 |
Secretary to the President,
appropriation for, assistants, etc.
97, 642 |
prohibition on use of horses, etc., not applicable to
142 |
Securities, United States,
appropriation for distinctive paper
463, 1167 |
for witness, destruction of
463, 1168 |
for sealing and separating
463, 1168 |
for canceling, etc.
463, 1168 |
for custody of dies, rolls, and plates
464, 1168 |
Seebold, George A.,
pension increased
1336 |
Seiler, John,
pension increased
1447 |
Seeds, etc., Department of Agriculture,
appropriation for expenses of distributing, etc.
285, 870 |
Congressional distribution
285, 871 |
notification of readiness
285, 871 |
mailing franks
285, 871 |
distribution of, remaining
285, 871 |
report of purchases; diversion forbidden
285, 871 |
selection as to locality; southern delivery
285, 871 |
for collecting from foreign countries
285, 871 |
for warehouse for packing, etc.
871 |
Seele, Mary A. (widow),
pension increased
1916 |
Seeley, Francis W.,
pension increased
2009 |
Seip, William H.,
pension increased
1778 |
Seligson, Alice K. (widow),
1396 |
Selleck, James,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrators of
795 |
Sellers, Thomas,
pension increased
2065 |
Selma, Ala.,
appropriation for public building
457, 1160 |
terms of court
988 |
Selwyn, William T.,
may purchase in fee lands, Yankton Agency, S. Dak.
1066 |
Seminole Indians (see also Five Civilized Tribes),
appropriation for fulfilling treaties with
198, 1054 |
for tribal schools
215, 1076 |
ascertainment of lands of Creeks, allotted to payments to be made for improvements by Creeks on lands of
1072 |
enrollment, etc., of children born prior to March 4, 1905
1071 |
resolutions of council accepting sale of town lots, Wewoka, ratified
1068 |
Semmes, Alexander A.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to widow of
752 |
appropriation for compensation of Senators
85, 631 |
for mileage
85, 631 |
for secretary to Vice-President, etc.
86, 631 |
for Chaplain
86, 631 |