appropriation for Secretary, clerks, etc.
86, 631 |
for superintendent document room, assistants, etc.
86, 631 |
for clerks and messengers to committees
86, 631 |
for clerks to committees, at $2,100 a year
87, 632 |
revising, etc., Senate Manual
632 |
at $1,800 a year
87, 632 |
for Sergeant-at-Arms and Doorkeeper, assistants, etc.
87, 632 |
for messengers, laborers, pages, etc.
87, 632 |
for Postmaster, assistant, etc.
88, 633 |
for chief engineer, assistant, etc.
88, 633 |
for clerks to Senators
88, 633 |
for contingent expenses, stationery, and newspapers
88, 633 |
for postage stamps
88, 633 |
for horses and mail wagons
88, 633 |
for folding materials, folding
88, 633 |
for fuel, oil, etc.
88, 634 |
for furniture, repairs, etc.
88, 634 |
for packing boxes
88, 634 |
for miscellaneous items
88, 634 |
Maltby Building
88, 634 |
for inquiries and investigations
88, 634 |
for reporting debates
88, 634 |
for repairs, Maltby Building
89, 634 |
for rent, document warehouse
89, 634 |
for session employees made available for first session
1 |
for heating, etc., plant for office building
479 |
for site for office building for committee rooms, etc.
481 |
commission created; duties
481 |
cost of building; contracts
481 |
proceedings to acquire
481 |
disbursements; vacancies in commission
481 |
for office building; pay of employees
1182 |
for William M. Malloy
1211 |
for George M. Buck
1211 |
for expenses of inaugural ceremonies
1280, 1286 |
for expenses, impeachment trial of Judge Swayne
1280 |
deficiency appropriation for pages
40, 1245 |
for F. J. Prettyman
40 |
for stationery
40 |
for horses and mail wagons
40 |
for furniture
40 |
for miscellaneous items
40, 419, 1245 |
for building for folding room
40 |
for inquiries and investigations
182, 1245 |
for steel boilers
409 |
for joint committee opening Louisiana Purchase Exposition
412 |
for widow of Marcus A. Hanna
418 |
for official reporters
418, 1246 |
for William B. Turner
418, 1246 |
for G. C. Lodge
418 |
for John F. Hayes
419 |
for Edwin C. Goodwin
419 |
for Thom Williamson, jr. and Ernest J. Waterman
419 |
for Dennis M. Kerr
419, 1246 |
for Ormsby McHarg
419, 1246 |
for J. H. Jones
419, 1246 |
for fuel, oil, etc.
419 |
for Maltby Building, repairs
419, 1245 |
for extra month's pay to employees
419, 1246 |
for site, etc., building for committee rooms, etc.
603 |
deficiency appropriation for heirs of George F. Hoar
1245 |
for widow of Matthew S. Quay
1245 |
for clerks to Senators
1245 |
for Assistant Secretary Henry M. Rose
1245 |
for Charles C. Long
1245 |
for C. E. Richardson
1246 |
for James B. Finch, jr.
1246 |
for joint committee, opening of Lewis and Clark Exposition
1246 |
for index of private claims
1246 |
committee of House and, to investigate and report on public printing
1249 |
five members to be appointed on Merchant Marine Commission
561 |
mileage appropriation for first session Fifty-eighth Congress made available
1 |
monthly allotment of contingent expenses, etc., appropriations, not applicable to
1258 |
payment of December salaries, December 18, 1903
581 |
December 20, 1904
1275 |
Senate Manual,
appointed for additional pay to clerk to Committee on Rules for revising, etc.
632 |
appropriation for compensation and mileage
85, 631 |
for clerks to
88, 633 |
deficiency appropriation for clerks to Senators
1245 |
mileage for first session Fifty-eighth Congress made immediately available
1 |
weight increased for franked official correspondence
441 |
Seneca Indians of New York,
appropriation for interest, etc.
199, 1054 |
Sensner, George W.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
747 |
Seoul, Korea,
appropriation for consul-general at
69, 916 |
for interpreter
69, 917 |
Sequoia National Park, Cal.,
appropriation for protecting, etc.
487, 1188 |
Sergeant-at-Arms and Doorkeeper, Senate,
appropriation for, assistants, messengers, etc.
87, 632 |
Sergeant-at-Arms, House of Representives,
appropriation for, deputy, etc.
91, 636 |
deficiency appropriation for, additional to bookkeeper
1248 |
to receive quota of Congressional documents
159 |
Servia and Greece, Roumania,
appropriation for minister to
68 |
for secretary of legation
69 |
Servia and Roumania,
appropriation for minister to
916 |
for secretary of legation and consul-general
916 |
Service Schools, Army,
appropriation for expenses
259, 827 |
Session Employees, Congressional,
appropriation for, made available for first session
1 |
to be paid from date of actual employment
1 |
Setley, Harry,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administratrix of
758 |