inspector of hulls and of boilers; disqualifications
1029 |
punishment for discharging duties if disqualified
1029 |
certificates of inspection; disposal and exhibition of
1029 |
ferryboat, yacht, etc., inspection
1029 |
engineer and pilot required
1029 |
small open steam launches
1029 |
motor-propelled vessels
1030 |
subject to penalties, etc.
1030 |
licensed officers refusing to serve; penalty
1030 |
refusing to admit apprentices; penalty
1030 |
licenses refused, suspended, or revoked; appeals to supervising inspector
1030 |
appeals to Supervising Inspector-General
1030 |
time of application for reexamination
1031 |
dangerous articles prohibited on passenger steamers
1031 |
regulations for specified objects
1031 |
other provisions to be prescribed
1031 |
automobiles of gasoline, etc., special regulations
1032 |
fire-precaution requirements
1032 |
register, enrollment, or license not to issue until inspection requirements are complied with
1032 |
certificate of inspection to be filed
1032 |
steam vessels to include any propelled by machinery
1032 |
Steamboat Routes, Postal Service,
appropriation for mail transportation by
435, 1087 |
deficiency appropriation for mail transportation by
45, 414 |
Stedman, Edward M.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
746 |
Steel Blooms,
claim for refund of duties on, referred to Court of Claims
809 |
Steel, Ezekiel,
pension increased
1640 |
Steele, Ellen Caroline (widow),
pension increased
1558 |
Steele, John A.,
pension increased
1774 |
Steele, Thomas B.,
pension increased
1445 |
Steele, William,
pension increased
1822 |
Steele, Victoria M. (widow),
pension increased
1335 |
Steering Apparatus, Passenger Steamers,
requirements for, modified
1028 |
Steffes, Jacob,
pension increased
1893 |
Steffey, George W.,
pension increased
1470 |
Steinmann, William H.,
pension increased
1515 |
Stennett, George W.,
pension increased
1632 |
Stenographers to Committees, House of Representatives,
appropriation for
92, 638 |
deficiency appropriation for expenses
420, 1247 |
Stephens, Cellina H. (widow),
pension increased
1847 |
Stephens, Jacob,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to grandson of
761 |
Stephens, Swepston B. W.,
pension increased
1393 |
Stephenson, Josiah M.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administratrix of
769 |
Sterling, Ill.,
appropriation for public building
457, 1160 |
Stermer, Charles,
pension increased
1308 |
Stettin, Germany,
appropriation for consul at
77, 925 |
Stevens, Edna (widow),
pension increased
1668 |
Stevens, Jason,
pension increased
1315 |
Stevens, John S.,
pension increased
1721 |
Stevens, Marquis L.,
pension increased
1380 |
Stevenson, John H.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to widow of
760 |
Stewart and Sons, David,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of surviving partner
781 |
Stewart, Henry,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
760 |
Stewart, James D.,
pension increased
1748 |
Stewart, John W.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
752 |
Stewart, Jonathan,
pension increased
1785 |
Stewart, Joseph,
pension increased
2044 |
Stewart, Thom,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to widow of
747 |
Stewart, William,
pension increased
1952 |
Stewart, William H.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
748 |
Stewart, William J.,
pension increased
2007 |
Stickley, James W.,
pension increased
1820 |
Stierlin, Charles,
granted honorable discharge
1875 |
Stillwater, Minn.,
appropriation for public building
457 |
Stillwater, Okla.,
legislature may appropriate for Agricultural and Mechanical College buildings
717 |
Stillwell, Elias,
pension increased
1819 |
Stillwell, Richard H.,
pension increased
1732 |
Stilts, John,
1888 |
Stimpson, G. B.,
payment to legal representatives of
804 |
Stinnett, Jesse,
pension increased
1662 |
Stidivant, Ruby A. (widow),
1459 |
Stirling, Yates,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
752 |
Stockbridge and Munsee Indians, Wis.,
payment of all tribal funds per capita
201 |
retention for schools, employees, minors, etc.
201 |
Stocker, Henry T.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to widow of
755 |