Stockholm, Sweden,
appropriation for consul-general at
69, 916 |
for clerk hire
78, 926 |
Stockton, Cal.,
appropriation for diverting Stockton and Mormon channels into Calaveras River
494, 1196 |
Stoffer, Orin P.,
pension increased
1783 |
Stokes, Lovina (mother),
2069 |
Stone, Addison B.,
pension increased
1410 |
Stone, Clays, etc.,
appropriation for investigating structural qualities
1187 |
deficiency appropriation for investigating, etc.
1236 |
Stone, etc., Public Lands,
use of, permitted for works under reclamation act
706 |
Stone, Washington,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administrator of
752 |
Stone, William,
pension increased
1780 |
Stoner, John M.,
1697 |
Stoodley, Alice W. (widow),
pension increased
1666 |
Stoops, Randolph T.,
pension increased
1498 |
Storer, Clement,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
799 |
Story, Jonathan,
pension increased
1970 |
Stout, Ira,
pension increased
1599 |
Stout, Jacob O.,
pension increased
1980 |
Stout, James,
pension increased
1680 |
Stout, William,
pension increased
1955 |
Stovall, William A.,
pension increased
1895 |
Stover, Jacob A.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administrator of
770 |
Straits of Mackinac, Mich.,
appropriation for Old Mackinac light-station; land
1172 |
Stranahan, Nevada A.,
credit in accounts
1442 |
Strange, Kate M. (widow),
pension increased
1670 |
Straten, Soren Julius Thor,
pension increased
2060 |
Stratford, Canada,
appropriation for consul at
77, 925 |
Stratton, Nancy B. (widow),
pension increased
1927 |
Straub, Albert R.,
pension increased
1891 |
Strawn, William,
pension increased
1751 |
Strayer, John W.,
pension increased
1799 |
Street Cars, D. C.,
to have glass vetibule for motorman
1001 |
penalty for violation
1001 |
Street Extensions, D. C.,
cost of, to be paid wholly from District revenues
391, 915 |
Street, Joel M.,
pension increased
1502 |
Street Railroads, D. C.,
right granted Anacostia, Surrattsville and Brandywine Electric Railway to enter District
980 |
time extended for constructing East Washington Heights road
308 |
to pay tax on gross receipts within the District
564 |
Street Sweeping Office, D. C.,
appropriation for salaries
365, 887 |
for employees paid from general appropriations
888 |
for purchase, etc., of stable
890 |
Streeter, Lorenzo,
pension increased
1736 |
Streets, Avenues, etc., D. C.,
appropriation for purchase, etc., union railroad station
368, 891 |
for assessment and permit work
368, 891 |
for work on
369, 891 |
for grading
370, 891 |
for condemning, etc.
370, 891 |
for repairs
371, 892 |
for replacing sidewalks, etc.
372, 893 |
for sweeping, etc.
373, 894 |
sale of sweepings
373 |
for removing snow and ice
6, 374, 582, 894, 1280, 1283 |
name of Madison, Samson, and Sampson, changed to Church
244 |
naming of, outside of Washington by Commissioners
14 |
opening, extending, etc., of minor
733 |
part of Thirteen-and-a-half street SW designated Linworth place
628 |
use of parking and sidewalks for business purposes
10 |
Streets, Thomas H.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
760 |
Strick, August,
pension increased
1600 |
Strickland, Mary T. (widow),
pension increased
1326 |
Strimple, Arthur E.,
pension increased
2042 |
Stringer, William H.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to heirs of
768 |
"Stringham," Torpedo Boat,
acceptance authorized; deductions for speed failure
1263 |
Strohecker, Thomas S.,
pension increased
1647 |
Stroman, Henry C.,
pension increased
1760 |
Strong, Mary E. (widow),
1720 |
Structural Materials,
appropriation for investigating stone, clays, cements, etc.
1187 |
deficiency appropriation for investigation
1236 |
Strunk, Philip H.,
pension increased
1735 |
Stuart, Daniel D. V.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
760 |
Stuart, Delia B. (widow),
pension increased
1344 |
Stuart, James,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
796 |
Stuart, Zechariah B.,
pension increased
1313 |