Stubbs, John H.,
pension increased
1846 |
Stuckey, Pauline W. (widow),
2024 |
Stump, Bertram N.,
deficiency appropriation for salary, etc.
416 |
Stump, John,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
782 |
Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship Canal, Wis.,
appropriation for improvement of; bridge
1139 |
Stuttgart, Germany,
appropriation for consul at
74, 922 |
for clerk hire
78, 926 |
Subira, Rafael,
deficiency appropriation for refund to
1245 |
Submarine Defense School, Fort Totten, N. Y.,
appropriation for instruction expenses
259, 827 |
for incidental expenses
259, 827 |
for material, apparatus, etc.
259, 828 |
Submarine Mines, Army,
appropriation for operating, etc.
234, 845 |
for purchase, etc.
236, 847 |
Submarine Torpedo Boats, Navy,
appropriation for; reappropriation
351 |
authorized; tests, etc.
351 |
Subsistence, Army,
appropriation for
267, 833 |
deficiency appropriation for
43, 424, 427, 1252, 1256 |
Subsistence Department, Army,
appropriation for post commissary-sergeants; longevity
261, 829 |
for pay of officers; longevity
263, 830 |
for supplies, etc.
267, 833 |
for payments; civilian employees, etc.
267, 833 |
for commutation of rations, etc.
267, 833 |
for transport service; special diet rations; ice, etc.
267, 833 |
for subsistence of West Point cadets at inaugural ceremony
834 |
deficiency appropriation for subsistence
43, 424, 427, 1252, 1256 |
Suburban Streets, D. C.,
appropriation for surveys of subdivisions
370 |
for constructing, etc.
370, 892 |
for extending, etc., Fourteenth street NW
371 |
for repairs
372, 893 |
for sweeping, etc.
373, 894 |
"Success," Brig,
payment of French spoliation claims on account of
785 |
"Success," Schooner,
payment of French spoliation claims on account of
783 |
Sudsburger, Joseph,
judgment in favor of, not to be paid
422 |
limitation on reduction of tariff on Cuban
3 |
no other reduction of duty on, to be made by treaty
3 |
Sugar Production, Domestic,
appropriation for investigating beet, etc.
286, 872 |
for chemical examination of plants
288, 874 |
Suits, George H.,
pension increased
1470 |
Sullenberger, Andrew,
pension increased
1598 |
Sullivan, George W.,
pension increased
1568 |
Sullivan, Honora (widow),
1891 |
Sullivan, John,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administrator of
744 |
Sullivan, John L.,
1296 |
Sullivan, John M.,
pension increased
1592 |
Sullivan, Peter,
pension increased
1557 |
Sulphur River, Tex.,
preliminary examination of, to be made
1154 |
Sulphur Springs, Ind. T.,
lands in Chickasaw Nation reserved for
220 |
appropriation for purchase
220 |
payment for improvements
220 |
added to present reservation
220 |
regulation of use of waters, etc.
220 |
expenditures for care and management
221 |
penalty for violating rules, etc.
221 |
appraisal and purchase of town lots within limits of
221 |
appropriaton for paying owners
221 |
Suman, Isaac C. B.,
pension increased
1619 |
Summerl and Brown,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of surviving partner
784 |
Summers, James J.,
pension increased
1935 |
Summers, Louisa,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administrator of
780 |
Summers, William H.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
753 |
Summy, Eri,
pension increased
1348 |
Sunderland, Samuel,
pension increased
1948 |
Sundry Civil Expenses Appropriations,
under the Treasury Department, for public buildings
452, 1156 |
site for addition to Post-Office building
1161 |
marine hospitals
458, 1162 |
quarantine stations
458, 1162 |
Life-Saving Service
459, 1162 |
Revenue-Cutter Service
460, 1163 |
Engraving and Printing Bureau
460, 1164 |
Smithsonian Institution
461, 1165 |
tender of Government building, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, to District of Columbia
1165 |
Interstate Commerce Commission
462, 1166 |
miscellaneous, internal revenue
462, 1167 |
Denver, Colo., mint
463 |
United States securities
463, 1167 |
public buildings
464, 1168 |
quarantine service
465, 1170 |
prevention of epidemics
465, 1170 |
under Department of Commerce and Labor, for immigration service
466, 1170 |
light-houses, beacons, and fog signals
466, 1171 |
Light-House Establishment
468, 1172 |
Coast and Geodetic Survey
470, 1173 |
Bureau of Fisheries
472, 1177 |
miscellaneous, Alaskan seal fisheries
478, 1181 |
Chinese exclusion
478, 1182 |
shipping commissioners
478 |
under the Interior Department, for buildings
479, 1182 |
Capitol and grounds
479, 1183 |
central heating and lighting plant
479 |
right of way for tunnel through square 690
480 |