Tucker, Asa,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administrator of
771 |
Tucker, Harriet A. (widow),
1373 |
Tucker, John B.,
pension increased
1604 |
Tuckerton Creek, N. J.,
appropriation for improvement of
1122 |
Tug Fork of Big Sandy River, W. Va. and Ky.,
appropriation for improvement of
1134 |
locks and dams
1195 |
bridge authorized across, at Delorme, W. Va.
182 |
Nolan, W. Va.
1040 |
east of Nolan, W. Va.
1042 |
Matewan, W. Va.
238 |
Vulcan, W. Va.
172 |
Williamson, W. Va.
179 |
in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Virginia
171 |
Tuite, Ellen (widow),
pension increased
1902 |
Tulalip Indian Reservation, Wash.,
deficiency appropriation for school buildings
1237 |
Tule Lake, Oreg. and Cal.,
change of level authorized under irrigation act
714 |
Tule River Agency, Cal.,
appropriation for support, etc., of Indians of
203, 1058 |
Tuley, George M.,
pension increased
2040 |
Tully, Catherine (widow),
1497 |
Tully, Terence J., alias James Fox,
pension increased
1970 |
convention with France, defining treaty relations with
2163 |
Tunnels, Chicago River,
declared obstruction to navigation, and changes ordered
314 |
Tunstall, England,
appropriation for consul at
74 |
for clerk hire
78 |
Tupelo, Miss.,
appropriation for fish hatchery
477 |
Tupper, Ella C. (widow),
1565 |
Turbines, Marine Steam,
appropriation for tests, etc.
344 |
Turin, Italy,
appropriation for consul at
77, 925 |
Turk, William W.,
pension increased
1377 |
appropriation for minister to
68, 915 |
for secretary of legation
69, 916 |
for second secretary
69, 917 |
for interpreter to legation
69, 917 |
for steam launch, legation
70, 918 |
for interpreters, etc., consulates in
79, 927 |
for marshals, consular courts
79, 927 |
for expenses of prisoners
79, 927 |
for rent, etc., of prison
79, 927 |
deficiency appropriation for interpreters and guards
394 |
Turkish Baths, D. C.,
license tax on; penalty for administering to person of other sex
174 |
Turks Island, West Indies,
appropriation for consul at
77, 925 |
Turner, Alfred,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administratrix of
756 |
Turner, Charles W.,
payment to
805 |
Turner Hardware Company,
appropriation for supplies furnished Creek Indian schools
1072 |
Turner, William,
pension increased
1394 |
Turner, William B.,
deficiency appropriation for services
416 |
for indexing Venezuela Claims Commission report
1246 |
provisions for carrying, on passenger steamers
1031 |
Turtle Mountain Band, Chippewa Indians, N. Dak.,
appropriation for support, etc., of
202, 1057 |
agreement for ceding lands in North Dakota by
194 |
195 |
acceptance of Indians required
195 |
appropriation for carrying agreement into effect
195 |
all claims of band to be released
195 |
reservation to Indians
195 |
payment of attorneys' fees
195 |
for surveys and allotments
196 |
Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation, N. Dak.,
appropriation for payment to squatters on
1062 |
Tuscaloosa, Ala.,
terms of court
988 |
Tuscarora Lodge, Martinsburg, W. Va.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to trustees of
775 |
Tusing, John,
pension increased
1922 |
Tuttle, George G.,
pension increased
1752 |
Tuttle, Philo G.,
pension increased
1918 |
Tutuila Naval Station,
appropriation for wharf
336 |
for shed and boathouse
1103 |
Tweed, David,
deficiency appropriation for compensation
401 |
payment to
1462 |
Twelfth Census (see Census Office).
Twelfth Light-House District,
appropriation for repairs to tender "Manzanita"
1172 |
Twelfth Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry,
honorable discharges granted to certain privates in Company M
2010 |
Twentieth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry,
honorable muster out of certain enlisted men, to be recognized
816 |
Twenty-third Street, D. C.,
condemnation proceedings for extension of, S street to California avenue
252 |
Twine and Tying Devices, Postal Service,
appropriation for
435, 1087 |
deficiency appropriation for
37, 1238 |
Two Rivers, Wis.,
appropriation for improvement of harbor
1138 |