"Two Sisters," Brig,
payment of French spoliation claims on account of
782 |
Tyack, Josiah H.,
pension increased
1518 |
Tyaskin Creek, Md.,
appropriation for improvement of
1123 |
preliminary examination of, to be made
1152 |
Tyler, E. R.,
refund of internal-revenue taxes to
808 |
Tyler, Hanson R.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to widow of
770 |
Tyler, John K.,
pension increased
1740 |
Tyler, Joseph W.,
pension increased
1806 |
Tyler, Mae H. (widow),
2014 |
Tyler, Rosina (widow),
pension increased
2049 |
Tyner, Samuel Louis,
pension increased
1514 |
Typhus Fever,
appropriation for prevention of epidemic
466, 1170 |
Tyree, John M.,
pension increased
1457 |
Tyson, Rachel (widow),
1582 |
Uintah and Ouray Agency, Utah,
appropriation for Indian agent at
190, 1049 |
Uintah Indian Reservation, Utah,
restriction on location of grazing lands for Indians on, repealed
1069 |
time extended for opening unallotted lands on
207, 1069 |
appropriation for expenses of surveying, etc.
207 |
portion to be set apart for Uintah Forest Reserved
1070 |
for irrigation reservoir, etc.
1070 |
proceeds from sales of timber on forest reserve
1070 |
location of mining claims of Raven Mining Company
1070 |
Florence Mining Company
1070 |
extension of time of opening not to include making of locations
1070 |
access to properties allowed Raven and Florence companies
1070 |
Uintah Land District, Utah,
established, boundaries
1014 |
"Ulalia," Schooner,
payment of French spoliation claim on account of
782 |
Ulshafer, Sarah (widow),
1418 |
Umatilla Indian Reservation, Oreg.,
patents to be issued to purchasers of grazing lands
1072 |
Umatilla Indians, Oreg.,
appropriation for support, etc., of
203, 1058 |
payment of all tribal funds per capita
201 |
retention for schools, employees, minors, etc.
201 |
Umphrey, Solomon B.,
pension increased
1988 |
Underdown, William S.,
pension increased
1960 |
Underhill, William M.,
pension increased
1465 |
Underwood, Edmund B.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
747 |
Union Agency, Ind. T.,
appropriation for Indian agent at
190, 1048 |
for special clerical force on town sites
1060 |
Union Pioneer Mining and Trading Company,
may bridge Catalla Creek, Alaska
560 |
Union Railroad Station, D. C.,
appropriation for purchase of land, changing grades, etc., for
368, 890 |
employment of special counsel, etc.
891 |
deficiency appropriation for purchasing land, grading, etc.
24 |
damages to property from changes in grade for, to be borne by District
250 |
commission to assess; appointment; duties
250 |
appropriation for expenses, etc.; refund of one-half by United States
251 |
provisions of former act repealed
251 |
height, etc., of buildings around plaza
709 |
temporary overhead wires permitted during building of
581 |
time for completion extended
740 |
modification of plans permitted; approval
741 |
subway substituted for bridge at Ninth street SW
741 |
Union Trust Company, D. C.,
name of Union Trust and Storage Company changed to
612 |
United Kingdom (see Great Britain).
"United States Assay,", etc.,
stamping gold and silver articles with, forbidden
732 |
732 |
seizure and forfeiture of articles in transit
732 |
United States Courts,
appropriation for Chief and associate justices
140, 686 |
for marshal, Supreme Court
140, 686 |
for clerks to justices
140, 686 |
for circuit judges
140, 686 |
for circuit courts of appeal, clerks
140, 686 |
for messenger, etc., eighth circuit
140, 686 |
for district judges
140, 686 |
for judges, Indian Territory
140, 686 |
for district court, Hawaii
140, 686 |
for retired judges
140, 686 |
for court of appeals, D. C.
140, 686 |
for supreme court, D. C.
141, 686 |
for clerk, Illinois northern district
141, 686 |
for commissioner, Yellowstone Park
141, 687 |
for law books, circuit courts of appeals
141, 687 |
allotment for eighth circuit
141 |
for Choctaw and Chickasaw citizenship court expenses
141 |
for Court of Claims
141, 687 |
for salaries, etc., marshals; advances
507, 1207 |
district attorneys and assistants
508, 1207 |
salary, New York southern district
1207 |
for fees, district attorney for D. C.
508, 1207 |
for payments to regular assistants
508, 1207 |
special assistants
508, 1207 |
for fees, clerks
508, 1208 |
508, 1208 |
508, 1208 |
508, 1208 |
for rent of court rooms
508, 1208 |
for bailiffs, etc.
508, 1208 |
for expenses, judges, etc.
508, 1208 |
for jury commissioners
508, 1208 |
for miscellaneous expenses
508, 1208 |
for expenses, Indian Territory
508, 1208 |
vol xxxiii, pt 2—–84