When the person whose surrender is requested shall have already been convicted of the crime or offence for which his extradiction is demanded, the demand therefor shall be accompanied by a copy of the judgment of the court or tribunal which has pronounced it, duly signed by the judge of the court or president of the tribunal: and the signature of the judge of the court or president of the tribunal shall be authenticated by the proper executive officer, whose official character shall in turn be attested by the diplomatic agent or a superior consular officer of the Government on which the demand is made. |
Copies of papers required. Judgement.Si o individuo reclamado já tiver sido condemnado pelo crime ou delicto por motivo do qual fôr solicitada a extradição, o pedido deverá vir acompanhado da cópia da sentença do Juiz ou tribunal que a tiver proferido, devidamente rubricada pelo Juiz ou pelo presidente do tribunal, e a assignatura do Juiz ou do presidente do tribunal tem de ser authenticada pelo competente funccionario executivo, cujo caracter official será por sua vez attestado pelo agente diplomatico ou pelo agente consular mais graduado do Governo requerido. |
When the person whose surrender is asked is merely charged with the commission of any of the crimes mentioned in the present treaty, the application for extradition shall be accompanied by an authenticated copy of the warrant of arrest issued against such person by the officer duly authorized to do so; and likewise by an authenticated copy of the depositions or declarations made before such officer and setting forth the acts with which the fugitive is charged. | Warrant of arrest, etc.Quando o individuo cuja entrega se solicitar fôr simplesmente accusado de qualquer dos crimes mencionados neste tratado, o pedido de extradição deverá vir acompanhado de cópia authentica do mandado de prisão expedido contra elle pela autoridade competente, e bem assim de cópia authentica dos depoimentos ou declarações feitos perante a mesma autoridade, contendo a exposição dos factos de que fôr accusado o dito individuo. |
The extradition of fugitives under the provisions of the present treaty shall be carried out in conformity with the laws and practice for the time being in force in the state on which the demand is made, without, however, denying recourse to the writ of habeas-corpus. | Proceedings.A entrega dos criminosos a que se refere o presente tratado será feita segundo as fórmas legaes usadas em semelhantes casos no paiz requerido, sem prejuizo do recurso de habeas-corpus. |
Article XI. When the arrest and detention of a person are desired on telegraphic or other information in advance of the presentation of the formal proofs provided for in the preceding article of the present treaty, the following practice shall be observed: In the United States of America application shall be made by the diplomatic agent of Brazil, or in his absence by a superior consular officer, to the Secretary of State, for a certificate stating that request has been made by the Government of |
Artigo XI. Applications for provisional arrest.Quando a prisão e detenção de um condemnado ou accusado forem solicitadas pelo telegrapho ou por outro modo antecipadamente á apresentação das provas mencionadas no artigo precedente, será observada a seguinte pratica: In the United States.nos Estados-Unidos da America o agente diplomatico ou, na falta deste, o agente consular mais graduado do Brasil requisitará do Secretario de Estado um certificado em que se declare que o Governo dos Estados-Unidos do Brasil pedio a prisão provisoria de um individuo |
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