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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/828

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His Majesty {5116 King of the naps} rj Aziroé Msyakezorqrz Hellenes, Alexander Th. Zaimis, 195 Bambi ·m5v °E17u}vwv, Commander of the Royal Order °H 6é· .41,7106 Mcyakezérqg 6 of the Saviour, etc., President of Baazhdg miv °EMtr}w.w 761/ His Council, His Minister for ’AAé£;'av6pov O, Zazjnyv, Tixé':- Foreign Aifairs, épxpv 106 Baazkzuoo Téyparoc 1017 Zmnfpos url, Hpocdpov 106 °T1r0vpy1xo6 Azirori 211;:- ,6ovMov, °I`1rovpy6v A1}-ro:} Ertl 1éV ’E5¢v·rspzua5v, VVho, after having communi- Ofrzveg; efvaxozvaiaavrcg °alcated toeach other their respective Xrikozg Tl} oiueia m}·r¢5v vrluypefull powers, found to be in good Eooaza, ez5pe0év·ra ev Ttég-61, avvand due form, have agreed upon c¢¢5wyo·av rd émipeva &'p0pa. the following articles: Ancrxcma I. nA/*0/>°*' Z"'- ` Each of the high contracting °E;.:é·:epov miv zS:p1;7La5v av;.:- regs; parties agrees to I‘8C€lVB from the Balkopévmv papcév 6U7d1V8i val other, consuls-general, consuls, Jéxqraa yevmovig zrpotfévovg, vice-consuls and consular agents arpoé-'évovg, Jnorrpoéjévovg Kal in all its ports, cities and places, rrpoéevmoog npéxropag 106 except those where it may not be érépov év Euaaz roig Azpéaz, convenient to recognize such oiii- 1r6}»ec‘1 ua} _16u0n;, ¢z7L1}v éueivcw cers. This reservation, however, s”v0a 50s1e xpm:} ¤io‘6p¢opo; rf shall not apply to one of the high zrapuetoxj rozorirwv yrpoéswcontracting parties without also xc5v ziyraltbjkmv. `Ev -:015101; applying to every other power. 1} é1t‘l¢'l$Xd£ xs aiirq 6év Gzivaruz · rz) 5¢ap;1oJ0§ 颒 Evo; ·m$v aP1p1;- Kc5v dvyoallopévmv ;4ep¤5v ¢fv p1} ioappolryraz ual Svrl mforyg érfpag Gvvaipcmg, _ Arrrrcuz II "Ap0pm» Q". . The consuls·general, consuls, O[ ysymoi yrpcigeym, gpéés- °°“' vice-consuls and consular agents ,/0;, oymnpoéevoz mx) zrpoéevzuol of the two high contracting par- npéuropeg ·rc5v 660 ainpqimiv ties shall enjoy reciprocal1y, in the Gvypdiioygymy yepgiv 0éAmm·w _ states of the other, all the privi- ahrolaosz Jyozoaims év raf; xdleges, exemptions and immunities pm; 1017 érépcv yruemiv miv that are enjoyed by officers of the 1rpovo;uc5v, Jrralkayaiv ual airssame rank and quality of the most Aczcév criv Jzrokaéovazv oz" 6,uofavorcd nation. The said officers, padpoz ual dporzpoz miroig before being admitted to the exer- zpoéevmol aizrdlduykm wz? ,u&A- cise of their functions and the en- lcv eovoovyévov upérovg, Oi joyment of the immunities thereto eipqpévoz 15mé}JL1;Ao;, yrpiv r`} pertaining, shall present their 6vv1;0n5m va? évaaurfamaz _ ni commissions in the forms estab- éav·rc5v Hd0T5HOV7d nai duolished in their respective coun- Aaziamm rex5v 1015101; vrapopap.

tries. The government of each of rmjvrmv 1rpovo;4imv_ doailovm