coNvENr10N-Gannon. the two high contracting P°W9I'S va) 7rap0vo‘1ai0‘mo‘1 16 6{nlmpa shall furnish them the necessary Lu},-gv_ 0-v,,.,£.,,,,,,/“<,,0,, , 9X9*`l“9l2uf' #99 9f clgalgcv 999, OD TOT}; 5v rg'} oinciq xeipq oipaoyué- the exhib1tion of this mstrument, ww; .,,j,,OUg_ *H KU/3gp,,,/0-,5 th9Y @911 be _P9Ymitt9d t°_9“l9Y énarépov 7657 1}:/:1;Ac5v avpoal- ° the- rights, privileges and 1mi1m- loyérmv npa-miv 0s'7Lcz rrapéxez mties granted by this convention. I ,,,},0;; 5V8g55m; .,5 ,,;,00-,7,,0,, énralsdrripzov nal sul ·r§ 1rp001 aymyff 106 5;/ypaiqiov 106100 Oélovazv zfvrohniez rc5v yrapaxmpovyévwv 5::} 11}; avppéaawg Td‘l5TT]§ dznuzmyaircov, 1tp0v0- [ltd7V nal ai·re7Lezc5v, ARTIOLZl¤ IH. ”.4p0p0·v 3***, " °°”‘ Ccnsuls-general, COIISHIS, Vice- Oiysvznoi 1rp65e·v0z,1rp¢i•*5°evo1, consuls and consular agents, citi- zinozrpééfcvoz nal zpoéevucol - zens of the State by which they zrpdxropag, Z57I7;}£00l 706 610piare appointed, shall be exempt _ ouvre; uz}106; npdrovg, Jév from preliminary arrest, except Jl5V4V1d! wi ;6vA,a.xzo’0¤Eo’zv ei in the case of ofences which the lu:} év nepznruiacz é6znr};4ar0; local legislation qualifiesas crimes xapanrqpriopévov nu) raymand punishes as such; they shall povpévov rim; ri; éyxcapiov robeexemptfrommilitarybilletings, p00so·iag c5; xan0vpy1}pa·r0;· from service in the regular army Oéhovazv efvar énqklaypévoa or navy, in the militia, or in the 117; rrapopfg o‘·rpa·rm:·rznr5v nanational guard; they shall likewise rakvpércov, zéowyg Jnqpedfa; be exempt from all direct taxes, e'v up ranrznc,5 0‘·rpa·rq'5 fj vaunational, state or municipal, un- 1:14:,3, z`v Ti-i7fOA1T0¢lIA.dHii i}e`v1§ less such taxes become due on a`0v0¢p0vp6i· 0é)e0v0‘zv .s`:ri0‘r;; account of the possession of real sive: t;7l’77AA(X}/[lf5V0I mfvrwv estate, or for interest on capital ·r¢:5v nipéomv qleipmv 106 npaiinvested in the country where the rovg, n15v nckzrezév (nig Q1 pep;- said oillcers exercise their func- mis) ii ·rcJv évfpwv, Sure}; édv 0{ tions. This exemption shall not, gfcipoz 0610: <i¢si7L0v·raz Fvena however, applyto consuls-general, KT1;0'8G7S oinzvyjrmv r`} énzpdkhovconsuls, vice·c0nsuls or consular nu ézrl ronmv nsqiukaiov naruagents engaged in any profession, ·rs0ez,uév0v€vg$ xaipq 0z'sip1;;.¢év0z business or trade; but said officers yrpogavznol l;7f6éAA.1]h.Ol ¢}o‘n06o‘z shall in such case be subject to the Tl; £av1r5v Htl0T5HOV1d. Hltrfv r; payment of the same taxes as Jnalkayv} az`}-ny 6év Oékez Mapwould be paid by any other for- p6§so‘0a1 énl 14s5v yavzneév xpoeigner under the like cireum- Eévmv, zrpoéévmvjzozpoéévmv stances. nal 1rp0&'cvznc5v rrpanrdpmv ·rr5v parspxopévmv érréyyclpé rz, pxopryxaviav if 5;ur0p{ar· JM, 0{ · £zp1;pév01 1i7rJ7UL1y7L0z 0é}t0vo‘1v Ev 10zaz}ry yrepurraiersz narapdklzz 101}; azirozis édpov; or`}; {Oh: narabaillez nai 7I¢l?§ 551*0; Gm- ·reAa5v 1}::6 101}; {Mov; 0'p0u;.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/829