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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/839

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coNvENr1oN-cannon. ézozmynmév dpxcév ni; prépas, dam; pgpqczycéawazv aiiroig cig _ r 6ze wig " npeturopeg, guggf The judicial authorities and cus- 7?(sl)£d(;'7TZ)¢dl Jpxal nai of i tom—house officials shall in no case Teiwymuoi qjnaixaqkgi {V 066;- proceed to the GX8.H]iD8.tlOD O1' [uq? yggpggrqiggg Oékovgg gpg/Yaf. search of merchant vessels with- ye; ei; épeévag $ énzaxéz/Jaz; érrl out having given previous notice -;;,51/ é,u1ropu¢¢5v tarkoiaw Evev to the consular officers of the yrpmyyovpéwyg ei6o¢roz1}c‘am; nation to which the said vessels 1557 npogévmv 1775 Xcépag ei; $1* ' belong, in order to enable the said pfwjmwm T6; cipvyyévu rrloia, consular officers to be present. Bums 6UV1]0C50'lV oz' mspi a5v xpoxsznxz npééevcz vo) zrapao‘re5c‘1 \ I Md1d ravrag. &*&¤d§ They shall also give due notice Qéxovaw éyrimyg sieonrozcf to the said consular officers, in 1'O1,;§ eippyyévovg vtpoicivovs ordertoenable them to be present 51m2g diivmvraz 015101 vn} mzat any depositions or statementsto piarmvraz nant néduv na-rd0e·. be made in courts of law or before aw if 67;XG70'lV yzvopéwyv évnilocal magistrates, by officers or mov Tl5V 6u¢ao‘·n;p2’mv 3} ·m5v persons belonging to the crew, éyxwpimv épxdiv :51:6 éizwpathus to prevent errors or false in- 1am5v 6 aivépaiv dvnxévrwv ·rq5 terpretations which might impede vrhypaiparx, fiam; c31m rrp0M:;:- the correct administration of jus- fidvmvraz 7Lé01; 5 éo‘¢aA;.¢évaz tice. The notice to consuls, vice- éppqvciaz, Jvvéyava ve} napaconsuls or consular agents shall xmlzidmaz njv 5p01}v T7}; 6`zxazname the hour fixed for such pro- oaziwys aivrovolwfv. °H npds ceedings. Upon the non—appear— 101}; npoéévovg, zbronpogévovg ance of the said officers or their i} rrpoécvmmig yrpdxropag eido representatives, the case may be noimizs 00L2z dpiiez Jupz;3c5; proceeded with in their absence. ·n}v dipav niv 6zd rd; évspyeias nuirag npoo‘610pza0:;ao;4év¢jv, 7E11i1g] pr} é;.¢¢avi0‘e1 1:.51/ sipnpévmv vrpoéévwv if TQEV aivnyrpooeiyrmv aziruiv, i} évépyeza dzivanu val yfvrrraz ual EV ainovoiq a6·m5v.

Anrrcrn XVII Apgpm, 1y.w_ The present convention shall re- 'H ytapmjg-q géypqaig Héng main in force for the space of ten ,,apa#£;,,€, g,, igxgy 8*,,; 6;,,0, years, counting from the day of gm ,,},,6 ,-,7; ,;/lgpag ,,7; ai,,,-aL the exchange of the ratifications, hayé; .,6,;,, g,,,,wpGj6m,,,’ ,,7; which shall be made in conformity 61, Wgaiowing uvpov/lg,,,,; O-v,u¢Gj_ with the respecuve constitutions Vw; ,,;,65. nj ,;,,,3 m;,, ,,-,,,,1,,},, of thetwocountries andexchanged mgm,,, m;,, 6,50 xwpé, ,m.g,£_ ut Athens as SOO'] as Possible- pmpéva ual 7637 énzuvpeiaamv aivrallaooopévmv Ev h401E7d1Q . o'0‘0v rd Gvvardv zaxzirépov.