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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/838

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ooNvENT1oN-Gannon. ities shall give immediate notice of ljymipxovgw, qi gyxaépwl gépxal the Sl1lpWP€Ck to tht} COIlS\1l of hl1B Qfxovgjy gi607[O;gi 7g5p} 105 yay- dlStI'lCt ll] hl1G (llS8»Sl`»B1` l18S ayfgv 16;/ ép},;66;gy yrpéggygy taken place, and until the arrival -,05 ygpovg fr C; O-Uyépyy 16 of the said consul, they shall take gvgygxnya, ygxpl 55 1y?; LM;. all necessary H1eHSl11‘eS fOr fh?. pI‘O· f,-'ging 101; gipqluévov yrpofévov, tection of persons and the pres- ggywvm Mwpvfygl Tg npomj- GFVHUOH of PI‘0P€¤'l7Y· , uovra pérpa rrpo; zrpoaraaiav _ ·r;5v ari/0pe51rmv ua} ozarrfpryazv ·rc5v vavayimv. The local authorities shall inter- Af éyxépzoz eipxal Oéimvmy mércggg of 1 VBDG only to PIBSGPVG 0I‘d€I‘, 8»l1d 5;;;/upqiye; yovov yrpég 6`zarn;. to pI'Ot8Ct» the lDl'»€!`€SlGS of hl1B sal- png;-y Ty'}; Téfggyg gal yp6g gpgvers, if they de vet beieng to the o‘·ra0‘iav my avy¢ep6ymw my crew of the wrecked vessel, and yavayogmgycay, AFV 06101 Im} to secure the execution of the ,{V,j,,m0·,y gi; T6 yzlyfpwya 106 arrangements made for the entry ydyawjgqyqog yrlgiov, gal 11}:/ and exportationof the merchandise ·,,jp,,0·,y -m;y ygvoyévmy 0-yy,. saved. It is understoodthat such ¢(,;yu;§y ,;;,5; giqqywyjy md merchandise is not to be subjected ggaymwjy 1;,5,, 0·m9gV-mw 5,,,,0- to any cuSt0IH·l1011S0 0h31’g'€S, UH- pevydrmv, ’Evvoei·raz on rd less itbeintended for consumption gwropgzjllafa 1,,51,, 35,, ,},,5- lll the COl1l1l`»I'y lll hl1B wreck ygiyyag gig ggxmylgxéy Tpyg §q- took place. ayov, 7th6V édv npoopiqmvraz , vrpog xaravékwazv sv rf; xasipq - ér of Jvvéoq 16 vavdymv. ARTICLE XVI ”Ap0p0v I6'". 0<>¤¤¤i¤-ge¤er¤1, eensule, vice- or ymm xpasmn, wpdés- .».t,¤L‘$:.‘;£{$ consnls and consular agents shall ,,0,, ,j,,0,,p(;g€,.0, ,,,1; ,,·p0g£_ be at llb°Yt5' te go: ei¤he1‘i¤ Per' mxol npéuropcg Hflovdzv stlvaz SOB OY by Proxys en b°*“`d Vessels a’M60cpoz ve} €1rz]3a£vcoo‘zv, efre of their nation admitted to entry ,,,},0) ${,6 gp jy-,·mp00-c,§,;0v, and to examine the officers and m;,, ,,;w;G,,, ,,7; gavmw xcjpag €I‘€W$,t0€X9»mi¤€th°ShlP,sP“P€l`Ss ·r¤5v £}tsv0sp0u01vmvv;0¢{v1a:v toreceive declarations concerning ua! ng 5,€pwT&5O·1 ,0,); ,},5,0,, their V0Y9·g€» tk9h` destluation parzuozig ual rd nixrypaipara, yd and the incidents of the v0y¤·9,‘€3 éésrdqmaz ml vavrzkzaud e"y- also to dmw UP manlfests and ypaqia, wd Géxmvraz rd; nep) lists of freight, to facilitate the ,0,; ,,;,,,3, ,0,3 ,,p0Op,0·},m; ,-0,; entry and clearance of their ves- ,,;w;0,, ua; ,,;,5,, 0-,,},,ga§,,·m,,, sels, Bild finally te 8cC0mP8·DY TO'!') dmirrlov xa·ra0s0’ezg a1i1c5v· the said 0Hi0€1'S 0I' GWWS béfom érrimyg 0{SAOUGIV Jvaz ékaziélspoz the jlldidal 0I' administrative m1' val 0'U‘VT¢éTT&70'l ra? Grylmrzxal thorities of the country, to assist ua} fd; ¢Op·rG;·[g;¢d§’ yé ggjxo, them BS (9h0i!' i¤t»€¥`PmW¥'S er A157th3U! 161/ ei'o‘1r7t0vv ual rov agents. Jmivrlovv raw nloimv, ami 15- - log ni avvodeaimdz ‘l'O1)S siprypé- vovg ai£;'zm;4a·ru¢01}g 5 nf niqpcaipanx zrpo TG;!' 6zxa0'rzJ¢c5v rl}