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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/859

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TREATY——GUATEMALA. FEBRUARY 27, 1903. of government, they may be made no, podra hacerse por los Agentes by su rior consular officers. Consulares superiores. ‘°°“°°· If the person whose extradition Si la persona cuya extradicién may be asked for shall have been se pide ha sido condenada por un convicted of a crime or offense, a del ito, se acompanara al pedimento copy of the sentence of the court de extradici6n copia de la sentenin which he has been convicted, cia condenatoria del Tribunal. authenticated under its seal, with Esta co ia estara legalizada con el attestation of the official character sello del) Tribunal, y con la certiof the judge, by the proper execu— Hcacién del caracter oncial del tive authority, and of the latter juez, por el funcionario a quien b the minister or' consul of the corresponda, y el de este por el Ulhited States or of Guatemala, Ministro 6 Consul de los Estados respectively, shall accompany the Unidos 6 de Guatemala, respectirequisition. When, however, the vamente. Sin embargo, cuando fugitive shall have been merely el r6fugo esté simplemente acucharged with crime, a duly au- sadb de nn crimen 6 delito, se thenticated copy ot the warrant of acompanara al pedimento copia, arrest in the country where the tanto del mandamiento de prisi6n crime has been committed, and of igualmente legalizada en el pais en the depositions upon which such donde se imputa la comis16n del warrant has been issued, must ac- delito, cuanto de las declaraciones company the requisition as afore- en que se funde el mandamiento said. ‘ · de prisi6n. ARTICIAE XI. · Am*tcm.o XI. The expenses of the arrest, de- Los gastos ocasionados por el tention, examination and delivery arresto, detencién, examen y enof-fugitives under this convention trega de los pr6fugos en virtud de shall be borne by the State in este Tratado, seran de cargo del whose name the extradition is Estado en cuyo nombre se pida la sought; Provided, that the de- extradicién; siendo eutendido que manding government shall not be el Gobierno solicitante no estara compelled to bear any expenses obligado ia hacer ningun desemfor the services of such omcers of bolso por servicios de los empleathe government from which extra- dos publicos del Gobierno a quien dition is sought as receive a iixed se pida la extradici6n, que percisalary; and provided that the ban sucldo fijo; y bien entendido charge for the services of such ue el gravamen por los servicios public officials as receive only fees de los empleados publicos que solo shall not exceed the fees to which rciban derechos no excedera de such officials are entitled under ids derechos ue corresponden a the laws of the country for serv- dichos empleados, en virtud de las ices rendered in ordinary criminal leyes del pais, por servicios presproceedings. tados en procedimientos criminales ordinarios. Anrxcm XH. ARricuLo XII.

‘£fl°“ All articles found in the posses- Todos los objetos encontrados

sion of the accused party and ob- en poder del acusado y obtenidos · tained through the commission of por medio de la comisién del acto the act with which he is charged, de que se le acusa, 6 que puedan and that may be used as evidence servir de prueba del delito por el of the crime for which his extra- cual se pide su extradici6n, seran dition is demanded, shall be seized secuestrados y entregados con su if the competent authority shall persona, si as1 lo ordena la &\1t0I'l· so order and shall be surrendered dad competente. with his person. .•