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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/860

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TREATY-—GUATEMALA. FEBRUARY 27, 1903. 2155 The rights of third parties to Sin embargo, se respeteran los the articles so found shall never- derechos de tercero respecto de theless be respected. estos objetos. ARTICLE XIH. Airrfctmo XIII. Each of the contracting parties Cada una de las Partes Contra- wf,’}},§°”°° ‘° M °‘°‘ shall exercise due diligence in pro- tantes procurara con la diligencia ° curing the extradition and prose- debida, la extradicién y en]uicia— cution of its citizens who may be miento de sus ciudadanos, que sean charged with the commission of acusados de uno de los crimeneso any of the crimes or offenses men- delitos mencionados en el Articulo tioned in Article II, exclusively II, y exclusivamente cometidos en *"‘“· *-***8- committed in its territor against su territorio contra el Gobierno 6 the government or any ofl the citi- uno de los ciudadanos de la otra zens of the other contracting party, Parte Contratante., cuando se haya · when the person accused may have refugiado 6 se encuentre dentro taken refuge or be found within del territorio de ésta la persona the territory of the latter, pro- acusada, con tal ue dicho crimen vided the said crime or offense is '6 delito sea punihle en el territorio one that is punishable, as such, in. del pais requeriente. the territory of the demanding country. Airrrcmu XIV. Anricumo XIV. ' The resent convention shall El resente Tratado em ezara mfgé, . _take effgct thirltiy days after the a regff treinta dias despulds del mm w exchange of raf cations, when the canje de las ratiiicaciones, cuando convention of October 11, 1870, la Convencion de 11 de Octubre de and the additional article of Opto- 1870 y el articulo adicional de 22 _ ber 22, 1887, shall cease to be in de Octubre de 1887 dejaran de force and shall be superseded b estar vigentes y seran sustituidos the present convention which shall por el presente Tratado, que percontinue to have binding force for maneceré en vi or hasta seis meses six months after a d0S1I‘B for its despues que el deseo de ponerle termination shall have been ex- término heya sido notiiicado, en pressed in due form by one of the debida forma, por uno de los dos two governments to the‘other. Gobiernos al otro. It shall be ratified and its rati— Sera ratiiicado, y sus ratiiica— c·{{’g$§““¥° °' "°"“‘ Hcations shall be exchanged at ciones seran can]eadas en Wash- Washington as soon as possible. ingtgp, tan pronto como sea 1 e. In witness whereof, the respec- p0ICn fé de lo cual, los respectivos *"¤¤***‘"°°· tive plenipotentiaries have si ned Plenipotenciarios han iirmado los the above articles both in the Eng- anteriores articulos en los idiomas lisb and Spanish languages, and in lés y espanol, y han puesto al - have hereunto allixed their seals. pig sus sellos. Done in duplicate, at the City Hecho`}>or duplicado en la cinof Washington, this 27th da of dad de \ ashington, el dia 27 de Februar one thousand nine hun- Febrero de mil novecientos y tres. dred and, three. Jons HAY [sun.,

 LAzo ARBIAGA [snr,.

And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both R°°°°'°°°‘ parts, and the ratiiications of the two Governments were exchanged _ in the Citv of Washington, on the sixteenth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and three;