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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/880

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MONEY-ORDER CONVENTION—COSTA s10A. 2175 (,o1wentz'onfo7· the emo/zmzge of money orders between the United States J““°°• lmnmi the Rqmbléc of Costa Rica. J¤¤¤%.19<¤¥- The Postal Administration of La Administracion de Correos Preamble. the Republic of Costa Rica, and de Costa Rica y el De rtamento the Post Office Department of the de Correos de los Estadds Unidos, United States being desirous of deseosos de establecer un sistema establishingla system of exchange de cambio de giros postales entre of Postal l oney Orders between ambas Naciones,y hallandose dethe two countries, theundersigned, bidamente autorizados para ello, Alfredo EsquivelCarazo,Postmas- los suscritos, Alfredo Esquivel ter Genera of the Republic of Carazo, Director General de Cor- Costa Rica, and Henry C. Payne, reos de la Repnblica de Costa Rica, Postmaster General of the United y Henry C. Payne, Postmaster States of America, duly authorized General de los Estados Unidos de for that purpose, have agreed America, han acordado los articu— upon the following Articles: los siguientes. Anrromm I. _ Asrrcomo I. There shall be a regular ex- Se establece un cambio regular °1_§gg*•¤8°°*m°¤°¥ change of Money Orders between de giros postales entre ambos _ the two countries. paises. Anucrm II. ‘ An·rrcm.o II. The amounts of Orders in both El monto de los giros expcdidos U,'Q‘{c§°s§j‘,gs’°;gf,,§f directions shall be expressed in en ambas direcciones, sera especi- United States money; and on ac- iicado en moneda de los Estadoe count of the fluctuations of the Unidos yaconsecuencia de la conrate of exchange between the two stante iluctuacion del cambio entre countries, ·it is agreed that all ambos paises, se conviene que amounts shall be converted into todas las cantidades se conviertan their roper equivalents by the S su equivalente en esta moneda Post (gtlice Department of Costa ger la seccion de Correos de Costa » Rica; that is to saly, the sums re- ica, es decir, que las cantidades ceived by the posta administration que reciba la dministracion de of Costa Rica for Orders drawn on orreos de Costa Rica, por letras the United States, shall be con- iradas a cargo de los Estados verted at the time of issue into Unidos,seconvertiran al realizarse United States money, at the cur- estas zi su equivalente en moneda rent rate of exchange, and the de los Estados Unidos, al cambio amounts of Orders drawn in the que en la fechu rigiesc, y las can- _ United States on Costa Rica shall tndades por las que se girase de los in like manner be rendered by the Estados Unidos a cargo de Costa stal administration of Costa Rica, al tipo de cambio que rija el Eica into the currency of Costa dia del arribo de la formula 5. que Rica. at the current rate of ex- se retiere el articulo IX. Pest P- 2177- change on the day of the arrival of the list described in Article IX.