POSTAL CONVENTION——CUBA. JUNE 16, 1903. laws and its ratification shall be ratiiicaciones se caugearan en la exchanged at the city of Vlhishinigl- ciudad de Washington tan pronto ton as early as possible. It sh l como sea posible. Comenzara a take effect thirty days from the regir treinta dias después del cange exchange of ratiiications and shall de ratificaciones y contiuuara vicontinue in force until terminated gente hasta que se denuncie de by mutual agreement, or annulled comun acuerdo, 6 se termine a insat the instance of the Post Office tancia del Departamento de Co- Department of either country, rreos de cualqmeradelosfdospaises, upon six months previous notice· previa una notificaci6n_hecha al given to the other. otr6 con seis meses de anticipacién. Done in duplicate, and signed at Hecho por du licado y rmado Washington the sixteenth daty of en Washington el)dia diez y seis de June One thousand nine hun red Junio de mil novecientos tres. and three. [SEAL.] HENRY C. PAYNE 1?0.2tma.9ter- General of the United States of America. [sEA1..] GONZALO DE QUESADA Enviado Extraordinario y Mnktm Pleat otemriario • de Ouba en Zoe Lbtados Umdoa de América. ' “‘° The foregoing Convention between the United States of America and Cuba has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is herebv approved and ratified. ' In testimony whereof I have caused the Great Seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. [emu,.] _ Tmuonorm Boosmvmm. By the President: JOHN HAY Secretavy of State, Waahzngton, June 20, 1.903. PROTOCOL. · The undersigned, Postmaster- Los infrascritos, Enviado Ex- General of the United States of traordinario y Ministro Plenipo- America, and the Envoy Extraor- tenciario de la Republica de Cuba dinary and Minister Plenipoten- en Washington y Igirector General tiary of Cuba in Washington, met de Correos de los Estados Unidos to·day and duly authorized have de América, reunidos hoy y deagreed to modify the Postal Con- bidamente autorizados acordaron vention signed by them on the 16th modificar la Convencion Postal of June 1903, in conformity with firmada por ellos en 16 de Junio the amendments made by the Sen- de 1903, de conformidad con las ate of the Republic of Cuba on the enmiendas hechas por el Senado de 18th of July so that the wording la Republica de Cuba en IS de Julio of Article , paragraphs a and b, afin e que el texto de los Articulos Article XII and Artic e XIII shall I, parrafos a y b, XII y XIII sea be as follows: como sigue: Am·1eLE I. Auricrrao I.
- 0 (a) Articles of every kind or (a) Los objetos de toda’clase 6
mmm nature which are admitted to the ·naturaleza ue se admitan en las domestic mails of each country, ex- balijas domgsticas de cada pais, con cept those which are herein pro- excepcion de los que aqui se rohibited, are admitted to the mails hiben, se admitiran en las balijas exchanged under this Convention; que se cambien conforme a esta