2196 Monnroanna oonvnsrxon-PERU. ·'*“¥“" 8· lm Oonventzbn for the exchange af monegorders between the United States S¤rw¤¤ber12. IM- of America and the epublie of Peru. P"°‘““"’°· The Post Office Department of El Duepartamento de Correos de the United States of America and los Es os Unidos y la Administhe Postal Administration of the tracion de Correos del Peru, de- Republic of Peru, being desirous seosos de estableeer un sistema de of establishing a system of ex- cambio de giros postales entre - change of Postal Money Orders ambas Nacioneeyhallandose debibetween the two countries, the damente autorizados para ello, los undersigned, the Postmaster Gen- suscritos, el Postmaster General, eral, for the United States of de los Estados Unidosde América, America, and the Director Gen- y el Director General de Correos, eral of Posts, for the Republic of de la Republiea ·de Peru, han . Peru, duly authorized for that acordado los Articulos siguientes: purpose., have agreed upon the _ ‘ `· ollowing Articles: . ‘ _ Anrncm 1. Q' he- _ ' 0,.§°§§f‘““g° °f ‘“°“°’ There shall be a regular ex- Se establecera uu cange regular change of Money Orders between de giros entre ambos paises. the two countries. _ Anrxcrm 2. Anrfcuno 2. ,,,,'f{},}’,°¤jj,§,l;‘;,?fS°d l" The amounts of Orders in both El monto en los giros entre uno directions shall be expressed in y otro pais se ha e expresar en British (Sterling) money, and it is moneda esterlina do la Gran Breagreed that for all purposes of ac- tana, quedando convenido que count arising from the execution para la contabilidad que resulte de of this Convention thePound Ster— a ejecucion de la Epresente Conling of Great Britain shall be veucion la Libra sterlina de la considered as equivalent to Four Gran Bretaiia se considerara equi- Dollars and Eighty-seven Cents valente zi cuatro dollars yochenta Q-1.87) of the money of the United v siete centavos ($4.87) moneda de tates. los Estados Unidos. _ Arrrxcns 3. Aaricnno ““*¤¤¤ ¤¤¤>¤¤*· 1. The maximum of each Order 1. El maximum de cada 6rden is tixed at One Hundred Dollars queda tijado en cien dollars, 6 su (S100), equivalent to £20.10.8. equivalente, veinte libras esterli- _ nas diez chelines y ocho niques. """’“°“'· 2. No Money Order shall in- 2. En ninguna 6rden dhebe exisclude a fractional part of a penny tir fraeciones de centavo 6 de peor of a cent.nique. Y Airrrcmc 4. 4. mer:;:?;:. in l°“1 The amounts of Money Orders Lascantidades de los giros debeu , shall be deposited by the remit- ser depositadas por los remitentes