TREATY—-CHINA. Ocronnn 8, 1903. Cassim H’k. Tls. Buds ___________________________________ _ _____,_______,, per picul- . 0. 750 Lignga _ _ ________ _ ____________________ _ _____ , _______. , ..,_,. do . 920 Twigg _____________________________,______ - ,.,.. do . 170 Cgment _______ _ ___________________ , _,__,_,,..,..,, per cask of 3 p1Cl1lS. - . 150 Cereals and Hour (including barley, maize, millet, oats, paddy, rice, wheat, and Hour made therefrom; also buckwheat and buckwheat Hour, corn Hour and yellow corn meal, rye Hour, and hovis Hour, but not including _ arrowroot and arrowroot Hour, cracked wheat, germea, hominy, pearl barley, potato Hour, quaker oats, rolled oats, sago and sago Hour, shredded wheat, tapioca and tapioca Hour, and yam Hour) .. Free. Chairs, Vienna bent-wood .. per dozen- - . 800 Charcoal per picul - - . 030 Cheese ... . ... 5 per ct. Chestnuts ,,,,.,__,,,... J ... per picul- - . 180 China root, whole, sliced, or in cubes do .650 China ware, coarse and Hne 5 per ct. Chloride of lime ..., per picul. . . 300 Chocolate, sweetened .. per pound. - . 012 Cigarettes: First qualit (value exceeding 4.50 taels per thousand) .per thousand. . . 500 Second quality (value not exceeding 4.50 taels per thousand)- . -do . 090 Cigars ., do . 500 Cinnabar ... per picul- - 3. 750 Cinnamon .. do 4. 000 Clams, dried do , . 550 Clocks of all kinds . · 5 per ct. Gloves ..,.. .: ,... per picul. - . 630 Cloves, mother .. do . 360 Coal: , Asiatic ... per ton-- . 250 Other kinds do . 600 Asiatic, briquettes ...,... do _ . 500 Gochimnl . 5 per ct. Cockles: Dried .. per picul- . . 500 Fresh ,. . ... do . 050 Cocoa ..,, . . d0 3. 600 Coffee ... - .. do 1. 000 Coir ca11es: 1 foot long ,...,. per picul. . . 200 5 feet long .. per thousand. . . 300 Coke: Asiatic ... per ton.- . 500 Other kinds ... . do . 900 Compoy per picul. . 2. 000 Coral .. . ... per catty. - 1.110 Coral beads . do . 750 Coral, broken and refuse ..., do .550 Corda e of all kinds ... 5 per ct. Comelgian beads . per picul. . 7. 000 Cornelian stones, rough . per hundred. . . 300 Corundum_ sand . per picul. . . 195 Cotton piece goods : Gray shirtings or sheetings, not exceeding 40 inches wide and not exceeding 40 yards long-- (a) Weight 7 pounds and under . per piece- . . 050 b Weight over 7 pounds and not over 9 pounds . do . 080 c \Veight over 9 pounds and not over 11 pounds do . 110 d) Weight over 11 pounds .. do ..,. . 120 Imitation native cotton cloth (hand-made), gray or bleached- (:1) Not exceeding 20 inches wide and not exceeding 20 yards long; weight 3 pounds and under .. per piece. - .027 (b) Exceeding 20 inches wide ..,..,,,. , ,,,, L ,,_,,,,,,,. 5 per ct. White shirtings, white Irishes, white sheetin 1, white brocades, and white striped or spotted shirtings: not exceeding 37 inches wide and not exceeding 42 yards long ...,,,,,____,,,,______,_ _ _ per pigce_ _ , 13.5 Drills, gray or white: not exceeding 31 inches wide and not exceeding 40 yards long- ( a) Weight 12% pounds and under .,,,,__,__ , ___,____ per Pima_ _ , 100 (b) Weight over 12% pounds ...,.. - ,,,,_,____________ do ____ ,125 Jeans, gray or white- (ez) Not exceeding 31 inches wide and not exceeding 30 yards long .. - . . .-.. per piece- - . 090 (b) Not exceeding 31 inches wide and not exceeding 40 yards I<>¤g . per piece-- . 120
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