TREAT} —CH1l`|A. Ocronmu 8, 1903. Cotton piece goods-Continued. H’k-Tl¤- Im] T c oths, gray or white- (a) Not exceeding 34 inches wide and not exceeding 24 yards lOl1g . per piece. . 0. 070 (b) Not exceeding 34 inches wide and exceeding 24 yards, but not exceeding 40 yards long ... per piece. . . 135 (c) Exceeding 34 inches but not exceeding 37 inches wide and not exceeding 24 yards long ,...,.. per piece- - . 080 Crimp cloth and crape, plain—— (a) Not exceeding 30 inches wide and not exceeding 6 yards long, .. r piece. - . 027 (b) Not exceeding 30 inches wide, exceeding 6 yard: but not exceeding 10 yards long ..,.,., per piece., . 035 (c) Not exceeding 30 inches wide but exceeding 10 yards long, . . . . . W r¤~¤*—- ·°°3% White muslms, wh1te lawns: and white cambncs: not exceeding 46 inches wide and not exceeding 12 ards long per piece. - . 032 Mosquito netting, white or co oredl; not exceeding 90 inches wide, per yard. . .010 Lenos and balzarines, white, dyed, or printed: not exceeding 31 inches wide and not exceeding 30 yards long .. per piece-- . 090 Leno brocades and balzarine brocades, dyed . 5 per ct. Prints-— (a) Printed cambrics, lawns, or muslins: not exceeding 46 inches wide and not exceeding 12 yards long ... per piece-. .037 (b) Printed chintzes, printed cralpes, printed drills, printed furnitures, printed shirtings, printed -cloths (including those goods known as blue and white printed T-cloths) , printed twills: but not including goods mentioned in (e) and (h)
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1. Not exceeding 20 inches wide 5 per ct. 2. Exceeding 20 inches but not exceeding 31 inches wide and - not exceeding 30 yards long . per piece. . .080 ·- (c) Printed crimp cloth- ‘ 1. Not exceeding 30 inches wide and not exceeding 6 yards long ... per piece. - .027 2. Not exceeding 30 inches wide, exceeding 6 yards but not exceeding 10 yards long ... - perlppiece- - . 035 3. Not exceeding 30 inches wide but exceeding 10 ya s long, per yard- - .003} (d) Printed lenos and balzarines: not exceeding 31 inches wide and not exceeding 30 yards long ... per piece- - . 090 (e) Printed sheetings: not exceeding 36 inches wide and not exceeding 43 yards long .-... per piece- . . 185 (f) Printed Turkey reds: of all kinds, not exceeding 31 inches wide and not exceeding 25 yards long ... per piece. . . 100 (g) Printed sateens, printed satinets, printed reps, printed cotton lastings, including all cotton piece goods wh ch are both dyed and printed, except those specified in (f) and (h), and including any special tinish, such as mercerizea finish, schreiner finish, gassec finish, silk tinish, or electric tinish: not exceeding 32 inches wide and not exceeding 32 yards long ... per piece-- . 250 _ (h) Duplex prints or reversible cretonnes (not including t ose goods known as blue and white printed T-cloths) . ... 5 per ct. Dyed cottons- . (a) Dyed plain cottons, i. r., without woven or embossed figures (including plain Italians, lastings, reps, and ribs, and all other dyed plain cottons not otherwise enumerated, and including any specia finish, such as mercerized finish, schreiner finish, gassed Hnish, silk itinish, or electric finish): not exceeding 36 inches wide and not exceeding 33 yards long .-...- per piece- - . 240 (b) Dyed figured cottons, i. e., with W'0V€Il or embossed figures (includ- ' ing figured Italians and lastings, figured reps, an iigured ribs, and a l other dyed figured cottons not otherwise enumerated, and including any special Enish, such as mercerized finish, schreiner finish, gassed tinish, silk finish, or electric finish): not exceeding 36 inches wide and not exceeding 33 yards long -.-..,... . ..-.--...---..-.-.. per piece- , . 150 (c) Dyed crimp cloth- 1. Not exceeding 30 inches wide and not exceeding 6 yards long .-..-...-.-..-.. per piece- . . 027 2. Xot exceeding 30 inches wide, exceeding 6 yards but not exceeding 10 yards long .--...-..-.-...---- per piece- - .035 3. Not exceeding 30 inches wide but exceeding 10 yards long- .. . ...----.. per vard- . . 003} (d) Dyed drills: not exceeding 31 inches wide and not exceeding 43 yards long ... per piece. - . 170