TREATY—CHINA. Ooasonnn 8, 1903. Dyed cottons-Continued. H’k. Tis. ` (e) Dyed lenos and balzarines: not exceeding 31 inches wide and not exceeding 30 ards long .. per piece. . O; 090 j) Dyed leno brocades ___,,,,.,..,,,.,,,.. . ... 5 per ct. g) Dyed muslins, lawns, and cambrics: not exceeding 46 inches wide and not exceeding 12 yards long ... per piece. - . 037 (h) Dyed shirtings and sheetings: not exceeding 36 inches wide and not exceeding 43 yardsiong .. per piece. - . 150 (i) Hongkong-dyed shirtings: not exceeding 36 inches wi e and not exceeding 20 yards long ... per piece- . . 100 ( j) Dyed cotton cuts: not exceeding 36 inches wide and not exceeding 5} yards long . per piece. . . 022} (N. B.-The pro rata rule does not apply.) (k) Dyed T-cloths (including dyed alpacianos), dyed real and imitation Turkey reds of all kinds: not exceeding 32 inches wide and not exceeding 25 yards long- 1. Weight 3} pounds and under . per piece- . . 060 2. Weight over 3} pounds --. do . 100 Flannelettes and cotton S anish stripes- (a) Cotton flannel, ganton iiannel, swan’s-down, iiannelettes, and _ raised cotton cloths of all kinds, plain, dyed, and printed- 1. Not exceeding 36 inches wide and not exceeding 15 yards long --.-... per ieee-- . 065 2. Not exceeding 36 inches wide, exceeding 15 yards hut not exceeding 30 yards long .-..-... per piece. . . 130 (b) Dyed cotton Spanish stripes- 1. Not exceeding 32 inches wide and not exceeding 20 yards ‘ long .-.- ‘ ...-- per piece- . . 085 2. Exceeding 32 inches but not exceeding 64 inches wide and not exceeding 20 ctyards long ..-... per piece. - . 170 Coloreddwciyeu cottons, i. e., dy in the yarn, except crimp cloth. ..- 5 per ct. Crimp ot - _ (a) Rot exceeding 30 incheswide and not excssding6 yuds_long, 027 r paece. - . (b) Not exceedairng30inchcs wide and exceeding6yards butiigt exceed- ~ ing 10 y s long . per piece.- . 035 (c) Not exceeding 30 inches wide but exceeding 10 yards long, b · per yard- - . 003} Velvets and velveteens, velvet cords, and fnstians— (a) Velvets and velveteens, plain- 1. Not exceeding 18 inches wide per yard. . . 006 2. Exceeding 18 inches but not exceeding 22 inches wide, per yard. . . 007 3. Exceeding 22 inches but not exceeding 26 inches wide, per yard. . . 008 (b) Velvets and velveteens, printed or embossed: not exceeding 30 inches wide ..-...-. . .. per yard. - . 015 (e) Dyed velvet cords, dyed velveteen cords, dyed corduroys, dyed fustians of any description: not exceeding 30 inches wide per yard . . . 015 Blankets, cotton, plain, printed, or jacquard ...-.. per piece. . . 030 Haudkerchiefs, cotton-- (a) Plain, dyed, or printed, not embroidered, hemstitched or initialed: not exceedin 1 yard square ...--... per dozen-. . 020 (b) All other handkerchiels . -.. 5 per ct. Singets or drawers, cotton ,...,,,...,.,_,_,, per dozen, - . 125 Soc s, cotton (including lisle thread)- First quality (I. e., valued at 1 tael or over per dozen pairs), per dozen pairs. . . 075 Second quality (5. e., valued at less than 1 tael per dozen pairs), per dozen pairs. . . 032 Towels, cotton- (a) Honeycomb or hnckaback, plain or printed (dimensions exclusive of fringe)- 1. Not exceeding 18 incheswide and notexceeding 40 inches l011g .. _ .-- pe r dozen. - . 020 2. Exceeding 18 inches wide and not exceeding 50 inches l011g .--. -..- per dozen.- .030 (b) All other towels ...,,,,,,.,_,,_ , ___________________ 5 per ct, gttons, unclassed ...-... . -__,_,,,,,__,,, _ _________________ 5 pq; cg, NOD, NW -------·----...- . ..-.-. .- r icu1.- . 600 Cotton thread: pe P Ball thread, dyed or undyed ...,,.___, , _,__________ _ _________ do ____ 3_ ()()()
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/927