TREATY-CHIN A. Ocronmz 8, 1903. H’k.'l`1s. . . dut .. 30.()00 0Pmm -----·-·------··-··-·---------·-- - ------·-·-··-· P°’ P‘°°1{likiii.. 80. 000 Hunk ___,,_____,,_,___,,_,,,_,.,,_,_.,,,.., . per catty. . . 062 Orange peel __,,_,__,__,_,__,_,__,,,,,_,_,.,_._. - ,,.. per plttlll. . . 800 Oysters, dried ... . . 5 p6!' ct Packing, asbestus. Sec Asbestus. Packing, engine and boiler, all other kinds . .. 5 per cf. Paints. See Dyes, colors, and paints. aper: Cigarette: not exceeding 2 by4 inches per 100,000 leaves. . . 125 Printing- _ Calendered and (or) sized t .. per picul-, . 700 Not calendered or unsized ... do . 300 Writing or foolscap . do 1. 200 All other kinds 5 per ct. Peel, orange per picul- . . 800 Pepper: Black .. do . 760 White ... 1. 330 Perfumery 5 per ct. Phosphorus . per picul. . 4. 125 Pitch ,. - do . 125 Plushes and velvets; (a Plushes and velvets of pure silk .. per catty. . . 650 b Silk seal (with cotton back; .. do . 200 c Plushes and velvets of sil mixed with other fibrous materials (with cotton back) .,. .---per catty.. . 150 (d) Plushes, all cotton (including mercerized) .. 4 4 r do . 110 e) Velvets, cotton. See Cotton piece goods. · Pork rmd ... per picul. . . 500 Prawns, dried (ssc also . .,.. per picul. . 1. 0()0 Preserved fruits, in glam es, jars, cardboard or wooden boxes, includ— ing weight of immediate package ... ---.per picul-- . 650 Purses, leather (not including silver or gold mounted) . per gross. . . 500 Putchuek .,.,,.. per picul. . . 715 Raisins and currents do . 500 Rattan: Chairs 5 per ct. Core . . . per picul- - . 225 Skin ..,... - do . 750 Rattans: Split ... do . 325 \ ’ho1e .,... do . 225 Resin .. . ... do . 187 Ribbons, silk, silk and cotton, silk and other fibers, with or without imitation gold or silver thread .. per ¢·atty.- . 550 Rope . . . .. 5 per ct. Rose maloes per picul. . 1. 000 Satllower ... do . 525 Sake: ` In barrels .. do . 400 ln bottles. . per 12 bottles or 24 half bottles. . . 110 Saltgeter and nitrate of soda . per picul- - . 325 San , red ... do . 045 Sandalwood . . . do . 400 Sapan wood do .·- - . . 112 Sea·h0rse teeth ... 5 per ct. Seiweedz Cut per picul- . . 150 Long . - . do . 100 Prepared . - . do 1. 000 Seed: Lily (i. e., lotus nuts without husks) ...,._... do ..,, 1. 000 Lotus nuts (i. e., lily seeds with husks) ,.,.,__.,,__,_ do ____ .400 Lucraban .. , ,,._.,,,,_,.,,,__,,_____ do ____ , 350 Melon ,..,,,__,,___,,_,, _ ___________ do ____ _ 250 Pine, or fir nuts ...,... . ,,,..,,.__,______ do ____ . 200 Sesamum ... - ... do .200 Sharks' tins: Black ...--.---. . . - - do 1. 608 Claritied or prepared ,.,,.__.,_,,_ _ ____ _ _________ do ____ 6_ 000 Whiw --·----------------.--·--- - ... do 4. 600 Shellw -.-.·---·-----·.·- - ... . . do 2.500
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/933