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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/934

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TREATY-CHINA. Ooromun 8, 1903. Shells: H’k.Tls. l6£<gh€!1;9f;lP€31'l -··----.·. - .. per picul- - 0. 700 INN er m S . .,,_____________ _ _____________________ 5 t, Sherry. See Wines, etc. (vins de liqueur). per c Shoes and boots, india—rubber, for Chinese: gg0W ---—--··-------------- - ... - . per (pair. - . 080 068 ·-----·--·--.--.. - . . - . . 020 Shrimps, dried (sec also Prawns) ...,_____________ _ ___________ pm- pi?;u]__ , 630 Silk iece goods, all silk (including crape): (pa) P ain . . . per catty-- .325 (b Broeaded or otherwise ilgured ..,_._,...,,,______, do ____ , 700 Silk piece goods, mixtures (i. e., si k and cotton, or silk and other materials) (includinglcrape but not including mixtures with real or imitation gold or silver t read): (ag Plain  ; ..,,. per muy__ , 250 b Brocaded or otherwise tiglured .. . .,.,,,_., do ___, , 500 Silver thread, imitation. (See T read.) ‘ Sinews: Ilguffalo and cow ,... pei- p;cul_ - . 550 eer ... --- . 1. 050 Singlets or drawers: 0 Cotton . per dozen- - . 125 SkinMiXt\1l'0 .. - ... 5 per ct. s: Fish r picul- . . 600 Sharks . T ...,.,,, 5 per ct, Smalt .. - .. -per picul- - 1. 600 EH . 5 per ct. p: Household and laundry (including blue mottled), in bulk, bars, and doublets weighing not less than one-half pound each per picu1-- . 240 Toilet and fancy ... 5 per ct. Socks, cotton (including lisle thread): First quality (i. e., valued at 1 tael or over per dozen pairs), per dozen pairs. - . 075 Second quality (i. e., valued at less than 1 tael per dozen (pairs), per ozen pairs. . . 032 Ash . ... per picul . . . 150 Bicarbonate - ... do . 150

 . . . . . go  . 225

ry s ... . o . 120 S0 Crystals, concentrated ... go. . . ; . 140

0  . 250

Spirits. (Seo Wines, etc.) gpiritshof wine. (Sec Wines, etc.) I tic - c ... . r icu . . . 700 Stout. (See Wines, etc.) . pe p u r: gagarolévn, up to No. 10 Dutch standard ,,...,.,.,.,,,,,, per Igculn , 190 y .. o . 300 Wfhigei No. 11 Dutch standard and over, including cube and fen ... - . per picu . . .240 Sulphur and brimstone: Crude .. do . 150 Refined do . 250 Sulphuric acid .. do . 187 Sunshades. (See Umbrellas.) Telescgpes, binoculars, and mirrors ... - . 5 per ct. . Threa : Cotton- Ballsi cl :61 or umdyed ... per picnl. , 3. 000 Spoo s (V yards ... - .. per gross,. .040 Gold and si ver- Imitation (on silk) 5 per ct, Rea .. 5 r t. Gold, imitation (on cotton) .. per catty.. 1(25 Silver, imitation (011 cottou) . do . 090 · Tiles bg inches square J. ... per hundred. . . 600 Tun r: . Beams- Hard wood . per cubic foot- - . 020 Soft wood (includin Oregon pine and California redwood, on a thickness of 1 inch% . per 1,000 superficial feet. . 1. 150 Teak wood . per cubic foot. . . 081