TREATY—CUBA. MAY 22, 1903.
- 9* Treaty between the United States and Ouba embodying the provisions
dejbning thejitture relations of the United States with Cuba contained in the act of Congress, agoroved March 2, 1901, making appropriations for the Army. Signed at Habana, May 22, 1.903; ratification - advised by the Senate, March 22, 1904; ratified by the President, Jane 25, 1904· ratified by Ouba, Juno 20, 1.904; ratification; ewchanged at Wiashington, July 1, 1904; proclaimed, July 2, 1904. BY Tm; PRESIDENT or THE UNrrm> STATES OF Amumca. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Cuba embodying the rovisions defining the future relations of the United States with Cuba contained in the Act of Congress 1- a proved March 2, 1901, was concluded and signed by their respective Iilenipotentiaries at Habana on the twenty-second day of May, one thousand nine hundred and four, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and Spanish languages is word for word as follows: '· Whereas the Congress of the Por cuanto el Congreso de los United States of America, by an Estados Unidos de América dis- Act approved March 2, 1901, pro- puso, en virtud de una Ley aprovided as follows: bada en Marzo 2 de 1901, lo siguiente: Provzdedfurt/oer, That in fulfill- Se dispone ademais, Que en cumment of the declaration contained plimiento de la declaracion conte- = in the joint resolution a proved nida en la resolucion conjunta Apriltwentieth, eighteen hundred aprobada en 20 de Abril de 1898 and ninety-eight, entitled, "I•`or bajo el epigrafe "Para reconocer the recognition of the independ- la independencia del pueblo de ence of the people of Cuba, de- Cuba exigiendo que el Gobierno manding that the Government of de Espana renuncxe a su autoridad Spain relinquish its authority and y gobierno en la Ysla de Cuba y government in the island of Cuba que retire de Cuba y de las aguas and to withdraw its land and naval Cubanas sus fuerzas de mar y forces from Cuba and Cuban tierra, y ordenando al Presidente waters, and directing the President de los Estados Unidos que——para of the United States to use the llevar a efecto estas resoluciones, land and naval forces of the United haga uso de las fuerzas de mar y States to carry these resolutions tierra de los Estados Unidos", into eifect,” the President is hereby ueda por esta autorizado el Presiauthorized to "leave the overn- dente para "dejar el gobierno y ment and control of the island of mando de la Ysla de Cuba si su Cuba to its people" so soon as a §ueblo"·tan pronto como en dicba government shall have been estab- sla se establezca un gobierno _ ished in said island under a con- bajo una constitucion en la que, st1tution which, either as a part bien como parte de la misma 0 en