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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/954

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TREATY—-CUBA. MAY 22, 1903. thereof or in an ordinance ap- una disposicién que a ella se agrepended thereto, shall deiine the gue, se precisen las relaciones fufuture relations of the United turas de los Estados Unidos con ptites with Cuba, substantially as Cuba esencialmente como sigue: o ows: ` “I. That the government of “I. El Gobierno de Cuba nunca “Cuba shall never enter into any " celebrara con ningun Poder 6 " treaty or other compact with any “Poderes extranjeros ningun Tra- " foreign power or powers which "tado u otro pacto que menoscabe "will impair or tend to impair the “ 6 tienda sa menoscabar la indepen- “ independence of Cuba, nor in any " dencia de Cuba, ni en manera al- " manner authorize or permit any ‘“ guna autorice 6 permita a ningun "foreign power or powers to ob- "poder 6 Poderes extranjeros ob- "tain y colonization or for mili— "tener por colonizacién 6 para “tary or naval purposes or other- "pirop6sit0s navales 6 militares 6 ‘“ wise, lodgemeut in or control " e otra manera asiento en 6 juris- " over any portion of said island}, "dicci6n sobre ninguna porci6n f “ de dicha Ysla. _ " II. That said government shall “II. Dicho Gobierno no asu- " not assume or contract any pub- " mira 6 contraera nin una deuda "lic debt, to pay the interest upon " pfiblica para el pago is cuyos in- "which, and to make reasonable "tereses y amortizaoién deiinitiva, "sinking fund provision for the "después de cubiertos los gastos " ultimate discharge of which, the “ corrientes del Gobierno, resulten "ordinary revenues of the island, " inadecuados los ingresos ordina- "after defraying the current ex- “ri0s." "penses of government shall be "inadequate.” ·— / “III. That the government of "III. El Gobierno de Cuba con- "Cuba consents that the United "siente que los Estados Unidos "States may exercise the right to ‘fpuedan ejercer el derecho de in- " intervene for the preservation of " tervenir para la preservacién de "Cuban independence, the mainte- "la independencia de Cuba, y el "nance of a government adequate "s0stenimiento de un Gobierno "for the protection of life, prop- "adecuad0 a ladproteccion de la "erty, and individual liberty, and "vida, la propie d y la libertad “for discharging the obligations "individi1al, y al cumplimiento do "‘ with respect to Cuba imposed by “ las obhgaciones, con respecto 6, " the treaty of Paris on the United "‘ Cuba, impuestas a los istados " States, now to be assumed and “Unidos por e1Tratado de Paris y " undertaken by the government "que deben ahora ser asumidas y “of Cuba." “cumplidas por el Gobierno de . C G *7 “ IV. That all Acts of the United “IV. Todos los actos realizados “ States in Cuba during its mili- "p01‘ los Estados Unidos en Cuba "tarv occupancy thereof are rati- “durante su ocupacién militar., “ lied and validated, and all lawful " sersin ratificados y tenidos por "rights acquired thereunder shall "validos, y todos los derechos le- " be maintained and protected." "galmente adquiridos a virtud de “aquellos, seran mantenidos y " protegidos.” “V. That the government of “‘V. El Gobierno de Cuba eje- "Cuba will execute, and as far as " cutara y hasta donde fuere nece- " necessary extend. the plans al- "sario ampliara los planes ya pro- “ ready devised or other plans to “‘ yectados u otros que mutuamente " be mutually agreed upon. for the " se convengan, para el saneamien- “sanitation of the cities of the is- "to de las poblaciones de la Ysla, “ land, to the end that a recurrence " con el tin de evitar la recurrencia "of epidemic and infectious dis- " de enfermedades epidémicas 6 "eases may be prevented thereby “‘infecciosas, protegiendo asi al "assuring protection to the people -" pueblo y al comercio de Cuba, lo vox. xxxm, rr 2-61