FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3914. 1906. 765 otherwise specifically appropriated for, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the same to be expended in accordance with law and under such rules and regulations as the said Jamestown Tercentennial Commission may prescribe. · That the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause suitable buildings to _ Government buildbe erected on the site of the said Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition um` for said Government exhibit, including a suitable building for the exhibit of the United States Life—Saving Service; a fisheries building, including an aquarium; also a building for use as a place of rendezvous for the soldiers and sailors of the United States Navy and Army and of the foreign navies and armies participating in said celebration; also a building for use as a place of rendezvous for the commissioned naval and army officers participating in said celebration; also the preparation of the grounds for, the ap roaches thereto, and the lighting of all of said buildings. Said buildlings shall be erected, as far as practi— ceiermn style of ercable, on the colonial style of architecture from plans prepared by the °h"°°""°‘ supervising architect of the Treasury, to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury; and the Secretar of the Treasury is hereby directed C°'“’°°'·¤· to contract for said buildings in the same manner and under the same re ulations as for other public buildings of the United States: Pro- Prwevviged, That the aggre ate cost of all of said buildings, including the Mvimum com preparation of grounded, approaches, and lighting, s all in no event » exceed the sum of three undred and fifty thousand dollars, which sum is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not A¤P¤>P¤¤¤¤¤· otherwise appropriated. At the close of the exposition the Secretary _ Disposal er benaof the Treasury is authorized and directed to dispose of said buildings Q‘,E;§,§§;,f“ °l°“° °‘ or the materials composing the same, and of the piers which are provided for in this Act, or the materials thereof, giving preference to rrerereuee. the Jamestown Exposition Company to the extent that it shall have the option to purchase the same at an appraised value to be ascertained in such manner as the Secretary of the reasury may determine. That to the end that free and ready communication between the were em bnsintor ships and the shore may be had, and in order to furnish ample and “""’“°""*‘· safe harbor for the small craft necessary to convey the soldiers and exposition visitors from the grounds to the ileet, there shall be constructed, from plans to be urnished by the Jamestown Exposition mess. Company and approved by the Secretary of War, two piers extending from the exposition grounds into the waters of Hampton Roads. the ends of said piers to be surmounted with towers for the exhibit, if practicable, of the Light-House Service and wireless telegraph service. Said iers shall be connected by an arch sufficiently high to permit small craft to enter under it into a basin or harbor, which shall be dredged to a sufhcient depth to accommodate boats drawing not more than ten feet of water at mean low tide. And the C,,,,,,,,,,; Secretar of War is directed to contract for the construction of said piers andybasin in the same manner and under the same regulations as for public structures of the United States, but the contract price shall not Maximum ees:. exceed the sum of four hundred thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, which Sum lS_ hereby appropriated out of any Appropriation. money in the Treasury n0t Otl1€rW1§e 8pQrOprlated: Provzded, That grglfgghengem before the appropriation made by this section shall become available, _ the Jamestown Exposition Company shall file with the Secretary of the Treasury an agreement that 1t will, at its own expense, operate e and manage said piers and basin during the period of the exppsition, and that it will, at its own expense, illuminate the same: ovzded _fw·t/wr, That all small craft attached to any naval vessel of this or eigumggetcraft or forany foreign country, whose iieet is in the waters of Hampton Roads f nSs,,;pm,,,m_,sy_ to participate in the C€l€l)l’3UOH, shall hH·VB access to and use of said '°°° °°¤*·
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