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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/796

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766 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3914. 1906. basin and piers for the purpose of communication with the exposition grounds without any charge therefor and under. such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Nav shall prescribe: Prwzdedjitrt er, U¤***>YU¤i*•¤¤S¤*¤¤· That the same right of access andy use o said basin and piers during the exposition, shall be, and is hereby, reserved to the United States, but nothing herein contained shall be donstrued to impose upon the United States any obligation to maintain or keep in repair such piers or basin or approaches thereto or to reimburse any individual or corporationd for any damage sustained in consequence of the use ot said iers an basin. _i$PP'°P'*’"°“ '°’ P That in aid of the said Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition the sum A of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, which sum _ shall be paid to the Jamestown Exposition Company upon satisfactory ¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤· evidence being furnished the Secretary of the Treasury that the said company has exlpended the sum of five hundred thousand dollars on V<>¤<=¤¢¤· account of said exposition. Said two hundred and fifty thousand dollars shall be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury upon vouchers and satisfactory evidence that it has been expended for the purgposes ${*3*0- " of the exposition other than salaries: Provided, That as a con ition ay closing. . . . . . . precedent to the payment of this appropriation in and of said exposition, the Jamestown Exposition (Jom any shall agree to close the grcéunds of said exposition to visitors on Siunday during the period of sai exposition. Jmmgm That for the erection of a permanent landing pier at Jamestown pm. Island on the frontage owned by the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, the precise location to be agreed upon by the Secretary of War and said association and to be donated by said asso- A¤v¤>P¤¤¤°¤- ciation to the United States, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so - much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any ‘7<>¤¤‘¤¤¤- money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. The Secretary of VVar is directed to contract for the construction of said pier in the same manner and under the same requirements as for public strucgmwétc 0, tures of the United States: Provided, lunvecer, That if any pier now , ., PICS- · . , ent pier. constructed and suitable for landing persons and material for the erection of the monument on said Jamestown Island heretofore authorized can be leased or purchased within the appropriation of fifteen thousand dollars hereby made, the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to expend the sum hereby appropriated for the lcasin or purchase of said pier and of a sufficient and proper amount of land: adjacent thereto to give free access to the grounds owned by such association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities and the monument to be erected Vol-33.p.1047· gherepn réndar tlgs {provisions of an Act approved March third, ninceen 1un re an ve. ,,,$j{§’,f},",§‘{“{,‘}‘,,§§,‘§“,{ For the policing during the exposition period of the grounds owned Arpgggigugoundqof by the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, upon em, " ·’ Jamestown Island. and for erecting thereon suitable retirin rooms and rest stations for the visiting public, and for providing drinking water at suitable places thereon, and for such benches and other Appropriation. accommodations as visitors to such island will need, the sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approm§g{’lm°gf’¤ °¤ °*· prrated. The rnonpiys appropriated by this ‘ paragraph shall be expended by and un er the direction of the Tercentennial Commission, and shall not be expended until such provisions are made with such association as will insure the free access to ev€1'V part of the grounds of said association of all visitprs who may cdmeduring the period of the said exposition, arid will insure free access always to that part of the grounds upon which said monument is located. h,£,‘§l§,}{y_“m'"d That all articles which shall be imported from foreign countries for the sole purpose of exhibition at said exposition upon which there