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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/797

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Siazss. I. Ch. 3914. 1906. 767 shall be a. tarilf or customs duty shall be admitted free of the payment of such duty, customs, fees, or charges, under such regulations as the Qecretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; but it shall be lawful at any Sale oftime during the exposition to sell, for delivery at the close thereof, any goods or property imported for and actually on exhibition in the exposition buildings or on the grounds, subject to such regulations for the security of the revenue and for the collection of import duties as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe: Bwided, That all such m"m duty if articles, when sold or withdrawn for consumption or use in the United S°ld» °'>*=· States, shall be subject to the duty, if any, imposed u on such articles by the revenue laws in force at the date of withdrawall), and on articles which shall have suifered diminution or deterioration from incidental handling and necessary exposure the duty, if paid, shall be assessed according to the appraised value at the time of withdrawal for consumption or use, and the penalties prescribed by law shall be enforced arrainst any person guilty of any illegal sale or withdrawal: Provided jirthw, That nothing in this section contained shall be construed as §£Qg**¤¤°¤*#>*¤· an invitation, express or implied, from the Government of the United P° " States to any foreign government, state, municipality, corporation, partnership, or individual to import any such articles for the purpose of exhibition at the said exposition. That medals with a propriate devices, emblems, and inscriptions M¤51¤1¤¢¤b¤ ¤¤¤¤¤ commemorative of said Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition and of °° mu"" the awards to be made to the exhibitors thereat and to successful contestants in aquatic and other contests shall be pre ared for the Jamestown Ex sition Company by the Secretary of the Treasury at some mint of the United States, subject to the provisions of the fifty-second §¤é·17,P·4-*2- 7 section of the coinage Act of eighteen hundred and ninety-three, upon"°°°‘3w'°' °2' the payment by the Jamestown Exposition Company of a sum equal to the cost thereof; and authority may be given by the Secretary of Dupucms. ` the Treasury to the holder of a medal properly awarded to him to have duplicates thereof made at any of the mints of the United States from gold, silver, or bronze upon the payment by him for the same of a sum equal to the cost thereof. That in aid of the Negro Development and Exposition Company of “1ji¢€:r;>D¤{;=1glv¤(g¤¤§ the United States of America to enable it to make an exhibit of the {amy. wd ° °m. progress of the negro race in this country at the said exposition, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of any c{}X§§;¤**¤*l·>** f'" money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. This sum shall" be expended by the Jamestown Tcrcentenninl Commission under rules and re ulations rescribed by it and for such objects as shall be approved by bogi the suid,Negro Development and Exposition Company of the of the United States of America and the said Commission: Ihwwled, P’°*’***°· hnwmwg That a reasonable proportion of said appropriation shall be B¤"d*¤8· ex ended for a building within which to make such exhibit. _ 'ghm; except to the extent and in the manner by this Act provided myggtggggjfgtv 0* and authorized the United States Government shall not he iahle on ` any account whatever in connection with the said exposition, and nothing in this Act shall be construed so as to create any liability upon the part of the United States Government, direct or indirect, for anv debt or obligation incurred, or for any claim for aid or pecuniary assistance from Congress or the Treasury of the United States in suprt of or in liquidation of any debts or obligations created by said ]f(e;i·centennial Commission, or any other board, commission, or any person or persons whomsoever, acting or claiming to act by authority of this Act in excess of the appropriations provided for by this Act. The United States shall in no event be liable, directly or indirectly, upon any ground or for any cause whatsoever in connection with or on account of its participation lll said Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition beyond the sums expressly appropriated by the Act of March VM- 33.p-1041 third, nineteen hundred and five an y this Act.