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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/803

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3916. 1906. 773 be, and the same is hereby, increased, respectively, as follows, and the Secretary of the Treasurv is hereby authorized to enter into contracts for the completion of each of said buildings within its respective limit ""°'» P- "*’°- of cost, including site: United States post—office and court-house at Montgomery, Alabama, M°¤*€°¤°¤’- -*1*- twelve thousand dollars. United States post-oflice and court-house at Selma, Alabama, sixty S°'¤**· *1* thousand dollars. United States post—office and court-house at Colorado Springs, Colo- C,3g*°¤•-*0 SP"l”8'• rado, one hundred thousand dollars, of which amount the Secretar of_ the Treasury is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to ex ndy so much as may be necessary for the acquisition of additional lfnd for the enlargement of the site heretofore acquired. d Hlpited States postroffice at Meriden, Connecticut, forty thousand M¤¤¤¢¤·C<>¤¤· o rs. United States post-office and land office at Gainesville, Florida, ¤·¤¤¤¤vi¤¤» FM- twenty-five thousand dollars. United States post—oflice at Decatur, Illinois, thirty thousand dollars. ¤¤¤¤¢¤r, IU- United States post-office at Crawfordsville, Indiana, fifteen thou- <>r¤wf¤r<¤¤vi1\¤.1¤¤· sand dollars. d United States post—0ilice at Flint, Michigan, twenty-tive thousand F'¤¤¤·¤i¤¤· o lars. United States post-office at Owosso, Michigan, twenty thousand 0W¤¤¤¤· Michdollars. United States post-office, courtrhouse, and custom-house, at Saint Sam l’=“l·m¤¤· Paul, Minnesota, one hundred and Efty thousand dollars. ' United States post—office at Columbia, Missouri,ten thousand dollars. °°l¤¤¤**·· W- United States. post~0fIice at Nevada, Missouri, ten thousand dollars. N°'¤d*· M0- United States posboffice at Saint Joseph, Missouri, fifty thousand S·*¤*·'¤¤¤v¤·¤¤- dollars. United States post-office at Reno, Nevada, forty thousand dollars. ¤¤¤<>·N¤*- United States post-office at Atlantic City, New Jersey, five thousand A¤¤¤¤<= °lW·N··¥· dollars. United States post-office at Elizabeth, New Jersey, fifty thousand E¤¤¤>¤*¤·N·J- dollars. United States post-office and custom-house at Perth Amboy, New Penh A¤¤¤¤y.N-J- Jersey, seven thousand dollars. United States post·omce at Gloversville, New York, six thousand G1<>v<>r¤vi11c.N-Y. d ll OUshliSted States post-oflice at Ithaca, New York, thirty thousand mnwu. NJ. d ll . 0Ufi;liled States p0st—0Hice at Kingston, New York, thirty thousand K*¤¤8~*¤¤· N·Y- d ll . . 0U’:ililed States post-office at Littlefalls, New York, thirty-tive thou- ¤*¤<¢f¤¤·· N·Y· ld ll r . Smllnitedublsmtes post·otIice at Rochester, New York, sixty thousand R¤¤¤¤=¤¤»N·Y- dollars. — N Y k N Y United States custom-house at New York. New York, four hundred C$,§`,,,,,,f{,§,,;,,_‘ ‘ and fifty thousand dollars. _ _ _ United States post-office at Saratoga.Springs, New York, thirty-five ,,§gf··¤>¤· ¤¤¤¤v¤· thousand dollars. _ _ _ United States post-oflice at WlDShOD·S3l€m, North Carolina, live W¤¤¤°°¤·S*1°m»N·c· thousand dollars. _ _ W Om United States post-office at Warren, Ohio, thirty thousand dollars. °"“"· United States post-office at Allentown, Pennsylvania, five thousand *“°“‘°‘"‘· P‘· d ll . 0U:liied States post-oflice at W€Sli Chester, Pennsylvania, twenty wm °°°"°'· P“‘ th d d ll . (Ulriiatldd Sthtzgspost-office and court-house at Deadwood, South Dakota, D°‘““'°°°• & mh twelve thousand dollars.