774 FIF1`Y~NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. ou. 2916. 1906. Y““*“°°·S·D°·k· United States post-ofiice at Yankton, South Dakota, one thousand five hundred dollars. 1******- T'?-‘· United States post—office at Dallas, Texas, fifteen thousand dollars. °K‘*°“· U°“h· United States post-office and court-house at Ogden, Utah, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars; of which amount the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to expend so much as may be necessary for the acquisition of additional and for the enlargement of the site heretofore acquired. ' B“""“$’“’“· Vt- United States post-office and custom—house at Burlington, Vermont, forty thousand dollars. S¥’°*‘°“°· W“’“· United States court-house, and custom—house at Spokane, Washin n one hundred thousand dollars. T"*°'”°· w“l‘· UniteLdtSt:ites post-oflice, court-house, and custom—house at Takoma, Washington, one hundred thousand dollars. . B“"“b°°- ms- Unite States poM—office at Baraboo, Wisconsin, two thousand five hundred dollars. E°“ °'°*’°· '"*‘ United States post—oflice and court-house at Eau Claire, Wisconsin, _ twenty thousand dollars, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby . authorized, in his discretion, to acquire such additional land as he may deem necessary for the enlargement of the present site. "’°°“ B°Y· Wh hUnited Stztes postéoflioe and court-house at Green Bay, Wisconsin, t irty-five thousand ollars. w“““"“-W’°* United States post—oflice and land office at Wausau, Wisconsin, - thirty thousand dollars. E"°“’°°"· wY°· H United Stgtes post-oflice and courthouse at Evanston, Wyoming, ve thousan dollars. _u€Qf,’§“}°“°· °‘°·· Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, 1’•»¤¢.1>-790- authorized and directed to enter into contracts for the enlargement, extensionjremodeling, or improvement of the following-named buildings, within the respective limits of cost hereby fixed: 4 °°“‘"°’· °°l°‘ d United States post-oflice at Denver, Colorado, fifteen thousand ollars. A“'°"‘· UL United States post-oflice at Aurora, Illinois, ten thousand dollars, and for additiona amount fifteen thousand dollars. I,,'3,.§}‘“°u Blu"' United States post-office and court-house at Council Bluffs, Iowa, V _ seventy-tive thousand dollars. R§,°X,}r§,§Q°‘Y' hAssaydo(fliple, New York City, New York, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. °"“""'“·I°"" d United States post-office at Ottumwa, Iowa, thirty-five thousand 0 ars. wl°M"’· K""“‘ hUnite(d {States post·ofIice and court-house at Wichita, Kansas, fifty _ thousand ol ars. ““l°°b°"’·M°‘ 6 Unixted St(at§supost·oflice and custom—house at Waldoboro, Maine, ve thousand dollars. D‘""’“· m°“· United States posboffice and court-house at Detroit, Michigan, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. ’“°""""·M*’* f Unitled Statlesl ppst-ofiice and court-house at Jackson, Mississippi, orty thousand ol ars. T'""°“i “·J· United Sgatesdpost-office and court-house at Trenton, New Jersey, one un re an twenty-five thousand dollars. B"’°°‘l"“· °°‘Y‘ d United States post-office at Brooklyn, New York, forty thousand 0 ars. - R°’“°{N‘ Y· United States post-office at Rome, New York, seven thousand dollars. "““°‘"“°· N· °· 1_ Ungtied States posg-ohice and court-house at Asheville, North Caro- _ _ _ maty thousand dollars. M“b€m’ I" C' d United States post·office at Newbern, North Carolina, five thousand _ dollars. wumbus Om°' United States postoffice and court-house at Columbus, Ohio, four . hundred thousand dollars.
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