1070 srxrmrn CONGRESS. sms. II. on. 319. 1909. brass or bronze "Na oleon" guns, with carriages and with a suitable outiit of cannon balls, which may not be needed in the service, to Qfggm, be placed on statehouse grounds: Provided, That no expense shall ` be mcurred by the United States in the delivery of the same. _ B¤¤i1,I¤<1- Sec. 5. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to donate to the‘city of Brazil, Indiana, two brass or bronze cannon, Hmm. to be placed in the court-house park in that city: _Prov·1,ded , That no N° °xp°°°°‘ elxpense shall be incurred by the United States rn the delivery of t e same. B°°°°*’°’·w*‘· Sec. 6. That the Secreta of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to furnish to the city of Boscobel, in the tate of Wisconsin, one condemned brass or bronze gun, with carriage and with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may not be needed in the service, to be placed in front of a soldiers’ memorial hall in said city: Prwiw- Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States in N° €x°°°°°‘ the delive of the same. °"“8°°°‘““’·N·Y· Sec. 7. Hat the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate to the county of Orange, State of New York, two condemned bronze lieldpieces, with carriages, with suitable outfits of cannon balls, which may not be needed in the service, the same to be placed beside the monuments erected by the townships of Cornwall and Montgomery, in said county, in honor of the soldiers and sailors from said townships who served in the war for the V Qtfggm Union: Provided. That no expense shall be incurred by the United _States in the delive of the same. H““““*‘°“·w·v"* Sec. 8. That the gcretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to furnish to the city of Huntington, in the State of West Virginia, two brass or bronze guns, with carriage and with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may not be·needed in the service, one to be lplaced in the United States Govemment building yard and one in the county court-house yard at Huntington, West ir `nia, and to be subject at all times to the order`0f the Secretary rjmm. of War: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United °`°°x”“°‘ States in the delivery of the same. cen. o. o. Howard Sec. 9. That the Secretary of War is hereb authorized and di- 5,"§}g§',f,‘{,'{§l,,$;”]’§‘,’Ql,°}f rected to donate to Genera O. O. Howard Host Numbered One WW- hundred and ten, Grand Army of the Republic, of {Basin, Wyoming, the carriages, caissons, and equipments of the two three-inch guns
me heretofore donated to the said post: Provided, That no expense shall
`be incurred by the United States in the delivery of the same.
- 0** ·'€"*¤· N·Y· Sec. 10. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate to the city of Port J crvis, State of New
York, one condemned bronze fieldpiece, with carria e, with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which will not be neederl in the service, the same to be placed in said cit beside the monument erected in honor of the solr iers and sailors who served in the war for the Union: £m··ir·>. Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States ‘ °”p°m°°‘ in the delivery of the same. M*d‘“°‘°"’*·"·Y· Sec. 11. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate to the city of Middletown, State of New York, one condemned bronze fieldpiece, with carria e, with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may not be needed in the service, the same to be placed in said city beside the monument erected in honor of the sole 'ers and sailors w 0 served in the war for the Union: {_3yg·;;é¤m Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States ` in the delivery of the same. Gjinii °§;;dl°;,P¤& Sec. 12. That the Secret arév of War be, and he is hereby, authorized Republic, salem, n1. and directed to frunish to J. . Chandler Post, Numbered One hundred l and two, Grand Army of the Republic, Salem, Illinois, one bronze or brass condemned cannon or fie dprece, with its carriage and with