SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 319. 1909. 107] suitable outfit of cannon balls, not needed for resent service, the same to be mounted and used on the public-building ounds at said city, and to be subject at all times to the orders of th; Secretary of War: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United §[,"§if{’,;,,m_ States in the delivery of the same. Sec. 13. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, author- S°i“"‘“°¥»M*¤”- ized and directed to donate to the city of Stillwater, State of Minnesota, one condemned bronze or brass fieldpiece, with carriage, with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may not be needed in the service, the same to be placed in a Bublic park or place in said city: _ Provided, That no expense shall e incurred by the United States in the delivery of the same. Sec. 14. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, author- B°*°**· Wis ized and directed to donate to the city of Beloit, State of Wisconsiii, one condemned bronze fieldpiece, with carriage, with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may not be needed in the service, the same to be placed in said city or in a cemetery near to the said cit , in honor _ of the soldiers and sailors who served in the war for the Iirnion: Pro- §f,°'§§°§;,,M_ vided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States in the delivery of the same. Sec. 15. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized NF{,‘_““““ °°““‘Y· and directed to donate to the county of Sullivan, State of New York, one condemned bronze lieldpiece, with carriage, with a suitable outfit of camion balls, which may not be needed in the service, the same to be placed on the court-house lawn inMonticello, the seat of said conmty, beside the monument erected in honor of the soldiers and sailors who served in the war for the Union: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States in the delivery of the same. ` Sec. 16. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized m§'“"*° k °°°””» and directed to donate to the county of Wanick, in the State of ` Indiana, four condemned bronze fieldpieces, with their carri es, and with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may be availiiiile and may not be needed in the service, the same to be Elaced in the park surroundin the county court-house in the city of oonville, Indiana: Provided, 'Ighat no expense shall be incurred by the United States in Qfgfgnu connection with the donation of the ab0ve—mentioned articles ofI ' ordnance property. Sec. 17. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized ““""°- and directed to donate to the State of Florida two condemned bronze iieldpieces, with their carriages, and with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may be available and may not be needed in the service, the same to be placed on the state capitol ounds in the citv of Tallahassee: ])l’l/U'I:llPl.[, That no expense shall be incurred by the United (,`QY’[Ii{'°p;m¤t· States in connection with the donation of the above-mentioned articlesi of ordnance property. - Sec. 18. That the Secretary of \Var be, and he is hereby, authorized """’“""‘· and directed to furnish to the State of Colorado two condemned brass or bronze field guns, with carriages, and with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may not be needed in the service, to be placed in the state- I house grounds: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States in the delivery of the same. Sec. 19. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized D°l‘“"“*’· and directed to donate to the State of Delaware a condemned bronze field ieee, with its carriage, and with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may be available and may not be needed in the service, the same to be placed in the park facing the state capitol at Dover, Dela- _ ware: Prorulcd, That no expense shall be incurred by the United §f,°g§'{’,ém_ States in connection with the donation of the above-mentioned articles of ordnance property.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1088