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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1091

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1074 SIXTIETH Coxonnss. sm. II. cs. sie. woe. ggnggo-use to be erected to the memory of General George A. Custer, late of `pethe United States Army: Provided, That the overnment shall be at no expense in connection with this gift. ,M*¤h*K°·¤· Sec. 38. That the governor of the State of Michigan be granted, on behalf of the State of Michigan, permission to use all that part or residue of the bronze or brass condemned cannon granted the V<>1.M,r>.834- said State of Michigan by joint resolution of Congress, approved Smumes. June twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six, to be used to make a life-size statue of Stevens T. Mason, late governor of that State, for _ the purpose of makin ·statuette facsimiles of said statue, or for §Z°ZZie¤¤e. other purposes: Provided, That the Government shall be at no expense in connection therewith. _ _ ,eC¤¤{§gg€§g;§* Ec. 39. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized eaiirou, newer, core. and directed to donate to the Chaffee Light Artillery Veterans' Association of Denver, Colorado, the two light twelve—pounder guns of obsolete pattern, together with the carriages, limbers, implements, _ and equipments accompanying the same, now in the possession of the

 said organization: Promkled, That no expense sh all be incurred by the

Unitpd Statesliln connection with the donation of the above-mentioned artic es of or ance ro ert . I·*>“i=`**¤¤°· Sec. 40. That the Seciietarxy of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate to the State of Louisiana two condemned bronze fieldpieces, with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may be available and may not be needed in the service, _ the same to be placed on the state house grounds in the city of Baton MDR_ Rouge: Promkied, That no expense shall be incurred by the United - States in connection with the donation of the above-mentioned articles of ordnance ro ert . N"' °"°°’“’· I·°· Sec. 41. ThatIthe}Secreta of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate to the city of New Orleans, in the State of Louisiana, two condemned bronze fieldpieces, with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may be available and may not _ be needed in the service the same to be placed in Lafa ette Square §{,"§Q’{’,;,m_ fronting the City Hall: Provided, That no expense shalfbe incurred . by the United States in connection with the donation of the abovementioned articles of ordnance property. G¤¤¢¤v¤1¤:M<>- Sec. 42. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate to the town of Greenville, in the State of Maine, one condemned bronze fieldpiece, with its carriage and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may be available and may not be needed in the service, to be placed in the unorganized tract of _ land of Kineo, Maine, on the east shore of Moosehead Lake, on the §f,",Qf{’,;,,,,_€’ lawn in front of the yacht club house: Provided, That no ex ense shall be incurred by the United States in connection with the donation of the above-mentioned articles of ordnance property. VC·¤¤u>¤·»e11 C0¤¤YY· Sec. 43. That the Secretary of Wiar be, and he is hereby, author- B' ized and directed to donate to the board of supervisors of the countv of Campbell, in the State of Virginia, two condemned bronze dr brass fieldpieces, with carriages, cannon balls having been already donated by the United States, to be placed in the yard of the county §Q’g§j,*jme_ court-house: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the V United States in the transportation or delivery thereof. v_f¤¤~*¤¤¤¤ <><>¤¤*v- Sec. 44. That the Secretary of War be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to donate to the board of supervisors of the county of Fluvanna, State of Virginia, two condemned bronze fieldpieces, with carria es, and with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, the same to be laced; on the monument lot at Palmyra, the seat of said county, @Qgém_ geside the monument located on said lot: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States in delivering the same.