_ SIXTIET H CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 319. 1909. 1073 supply of cannon balls, which may be available and may not be nee ed mthe service, to bzplaced on the soldiers’ plat in the city cemetery in said city: Provide , That no expense shall be incurred by the §f,"g§j°ém€ United States in connection with the donation of the above-mentioned P` articles of ordnance_ property. _ Sec. 29. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized v,Ij{‘,2€.§§1 §{.§°$§’,.£‘§f and directed to donate to Danville Branch of the National Home for D““"‘“°» UL Volunteer Soldiers four brass or bronze cannons with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls to be placed on the Soldiers hmm Home Grounds at Danville, Illinois: Provided, That no expense shall No expense. be incurred by the United States in the delivery of the same. Sec. 30. That the Secretary of War be and he is hereby authorized ‘“**'"°**‘°°'°· "* and directed to donate to the City of Waynesboro, Georgia, two brass or bronze cannons and a suitable outfit of cannon balls to be placed _ on the public s uare of the court house in said city: Provided, That §f,°§?§g,,S€_ no expense shall be incurred by the United States in the delivery of same. · Sec. 31. The Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed, C;g[;‘,j,§¤,;§‘g¤“¤€¤‘· to donate two pieces of condemned bronze field artillery to place around` ` the Soldiers Monument at the City of Camden in the State of New _ Jersey: Promkled, That no expense shall be incurred by the United {;)Q”f,"',}S°,,;,,,,B_ States in the delivery of the same. Sec. 32. Thatithe Secreta of War be and is hereby authorized to ·I”P°'·I“d- donate to the town of J asper:-Indiana, two condemned brass or bronze cannons, with their carriages, and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, for the Soldiers Monument of Jasper, Indiana: Provided That no ex- max pense shall be incurred by the United States in the delivery of the ` same. Sec. 33. The Secretarv of War be and he is hereby authorized and ’“°"“°“"· V“‘ directed to donate to the City of Alexandria, Virginia, nine cannon carriages, provided the said carriages may be on hand and not needed for other pu ose in the service: And provided, No expense shall be §Q°,'g'Q*,‘§;,,,se_ attached to the United States in delivery of same. , _ Sec. 34. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized M°°°l"“t°°‘ ll 'l °‘ and directed to donate to the city of Mannington, in the State of West Virginia, one condemned bronze fieldpiece, with its carriage, which P,,,,,,,,, may be available and may not be needed in the service: Provided, Ncexpennc. That no ex ense shall be incurred by the United States in connection with the dionation of the above-mentioned articles of ordnance Dro ierty. I 35. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized ,,}§,{,{y,Q,;'** A§_f_[},[,f to donate to the Winfield Scott Monument Association, of Elizabeth, Nun. Hlmbem. N..v. New Jersey, if the same can be done without detriment to the public service. two condemned bronze fieldpieccs, with their carriages, to be used in connection with an equestrian statue to he erected to the memory of the late Lieutenant-General Winfielil Scott, United States Army. Sec. 36. That the Secretary of YVar be, and he is hereby, au- N°b¥¤¤k¤- thorized and directed to donate to the State of Nebraska, two condemned bronze fieldpieccs, with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may be available and may not be needed in the service, the same to be laced on the State ca itol grounds _ in the city of Lincoln: Provided? That no expense shail be incurred §[,"§;’,é,,,,e_ by the United States in connection with the donation of the abovementioned articles of ordnance pro erty. _ Sec. 37. That the Secretary oi) \Var is hereby authorized and §’,},§f‘,{§°{{; GQ, um, directed to deliver to the governor of the State of Michigan four C¤»¢¤r. bronze or brass condemned cannon, with their carria es and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, in ornamentation of a l§e—sized statue
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