Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1105

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his authority, and the word "author" shall include an employer in the case of works made for hire.

Sec. 63. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed, but nothing in this Act shall effect causes of action for infringement of copyright heretofore committed now pending in courts of the United States, or which may hereafter be instituted; but such causes shall be prosecuted to a conclusion in the manner heretofore provided by law.

Sec. 64. That this Act shall go into effect on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and nine.

Approved, March 4, 1909.

1i11é¤$;09- CHAP. 821.-An Act f1‘o codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United · · States. 11, * . .3 _ _ [Pub C M Sw Be it enacted by the Senate and Hous;za¢;fRep¢·esen.tatzves of the United °'*¤*¤¤l °°°°· States of America in Congress assemb , That the penal laws of the United States be, and they hereby are, codified, revised, and amended, with title, chapters, headnotes, and sections, entitled, numbered, and to read as follows: crimes. CRILIES. _CHAP’1‘ER ONE. exQ’·f',gx;¤g<;¤g§¤,£¤*Gg$ orwmvsns Acamsr THE EXIBTENGE or THE oovnnmmm. B111I1I6D!. sw. sm. 1. Treason. 6. Seditious conspiracy. 2. Punishment of treason. 7. Recruiting soldiers or sailors to serve 3. Misprision of treason. against the United States. 4. Inpiting or engaging in rebellion or 8. Ergglgnent to serve against the United lll’1‘€(2l3l . A B. 5. Crgrtgipellnezpgirifespondence with foreign }`,f°*g°f’"s&*f°f*.g·, p_ Sec. 1. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies 1036-war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason. };“‘gf‘**;‘,jf*°,,§g,; P_ Sec. 2. Whoever is convicted of treason shall suffer death; or, at 1086. ’the discretion of the court, shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined not less than ten thousand dollars, to be levied on and collected out of any or all of his property, real and personal, of which he was the owner at the time o committing such treason, any sale or conveyance to the contrary notwithstan ing; and evergy person so convicted of treason shall, moreover, be incapable of hol — mg any ollieel under the United States. h U _ Mi¤1>si¤i¤¤ vi ¤¤¤¤· Sec. 3. lr oever owing a eviance tot e nited States and having £°l§l,I`Z`l5, san, p. knowledge of the cbmmission lbf alny freasonlagaipst them, conceals · and does not, as soon as may e, isc ose ant ma e known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty Punishment for. of rnisprision of treason and shall be 1mprisoned not more than seven years and iined not more than one thousand dollars. ugpggigghggétrggei- Sno, 4, WVhoever mcites, sets on foot, aseists, or engages in any rz. s., rm. assi, n. rebellion or insurrection against_ the authority of the Lmted States "'“’· , memfm or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be im- ` prisoned not more than ten Hyears, or fined not more than ten thousand dollars, or begh anclglgi , moreover, be incapable of holding any Hi d t 't t t . sP§;gg;x;;}¤_;lgg*gg,j 0 Shelli;. (Sven; cihzen of8th; United States, whether actually resieixi govzigmggg. P dent or abiding within the Same, or in any place subject to the