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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1106

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Crr. 321. 1909. 1089 jurisdiction thereof, or in any foreign country, without the permission or authority of the Government, directly or indirectly, commences or carries on any verbal or written correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with an intent to iniiuence the measures or conduct of any foreign overnment or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any cisputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the Government of the United States; and every person, being a rnmaamemrnr. citizen of or resident within the United States or in any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, and not duly authorized, counsels, advises, or assists in any such correspondence with such intent, shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars and im risoned not more than three years; but nothing in this section shall be construed ,n§§g,§§“ °‘ *’“““° to abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his a ent, to any ` foreign government or the agents thereof for redress ofg any injury whic he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects. Sec. G. If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any “§,°‘““°“"‘ °°“"P"‘ place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to RZ s., sec. seas, p. overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the ml' United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined not more than five thousand dollars, Punishment for. _ or imprisoned not more than six years, or both. _ _ Sec. 7. Whoever recruits soldiers or sailors within the United ,,,§°Y"§t,§§§i§Q§$;§ States, or in an place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, to engage 8%*%- M 5337 in armed hostility against the same, or opens within the United mi "‘ p' States, or in any place subject to the `urisdiction thereof, a recruiting station for the enlistment of such soldiers or sailors to serve in any manner in armed hostility against the United States, shall be fined P¤¤i¤¤¤¤¢¤¢f<¤- not more than one thousand dollars and imprisoned not more than five vears. Sec. 8. Every person enlisted or engaged within the United States ug1jgl{;j¢fiy5 I 3S;:;? or in any place subject to the jlurrs rctron thereof, with intent to rz. see. sea., p. serve in armed hostility against the United States, shall be fined one 1°“,Z,,,,,,,,,,,_.,,,,,,,_ hundred dollars and imprisoned not more than three years. (`rmvrrm ’l`wo. orrrxxsrzs A<rAr>:s·r Nr·:r’rnAr.rrY. ,,,l,l*:§}{}’f{§?_ """l"" Sec.Sec. 9. Accepting a foreign commission. i l-1. Enforcement of foregoing provisions. 10. Enlisting in foreign service. - 15. (`ompelling foreign vessels to depart. 11. Arnring vessels against people at peace I 16. Armed vowels to give bond on clearwith tho United States. ance. I2. Augmenting force of foreiml vessel of 17. Detention by collectors of customs. war. IS. Construction of this chapter. I3. Military expeditions against people at peace with the l`nited States. _ Sec. 9. Every citizen of the United States who, within the territory __0f1f,$,*Q_Q}g',$ { or jurisdiction thereof, accepts and exercises a commission to serve against merimy a foreign prince, state, colony, district, or people, in war, by land or p°{°§__ .c.._ WL ,._ by sea, against any prince, state, colony, district, or people, with mt whom the ['nitcd States are at peace, shall be fined not more than *’“¤“h“**“"‘“’· two thousand dollars and imprisoned not more than three years. _ , _ ,_ _ Sec. 10. Whoever, within the territory or jurisdiction of the United seglixilng m Umgu States. enlists, or enters himself, or hires or retains another person to NLE} S·· "'· 5***- P· enlist or enter himself, or to go beyond the limits or jurisdiction of the