1090 srxrrnrn coxennss. sm. II. Ch. 2,21. 1909. United States with intent to be enlisted or entered in the service of any foreign prince, state, colony, district, or people, as a soldier, or as a marine or seaman, on board of any vessel of war, letter of marque, Punishment ree. or privateer, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars and _ imprisoned not more than three years. _ *,E"g ‘i"”§}’ Ec. 11. Wlioever, within the territory or jurisdiction of the United g st frien y pogverés. Se 5m States, fits out and arms, or attempts to fit out and arm, or procures 10g4f_ " °‘ ’ p` to fitted out and armed, or knowingly is concerned in the furnishing, Egting out, grarniing of any yessehfwith intent that such vessel shall employe _ in the service o an oreign prince or state or of any colony, district, or people, to cruiise or commit hostilities against the sub]ects, crtiaens, or property of any foreign prince or state, or of any 3‘§“$?H;B‘$‘§f"rE§aZ§ E$°SZ‘ii `$l§hrwh°m °i’°-U““°‘£l?t“EiS TTS “t p"“°°’ ____ _ v commission wr rn e rrr ory or ]ur1sd1ction of the United States for any vessel, to the intent that she rumnrmemh may be so employed, shall be fined not more than ten thousand dole,€°'*°*¤¤'° 0* V°¤¤°l· lars and imprisoned not more than three years. _And every such vessel, _ her taclgle, apparel, and furniture, together with all materials, arms, ammumtron, and stores which may have been procured for the building and equipment thereof, shall e forfeited; one half to the use of theé rnformepxgpd the othe; half E0 the use of the United States. Avsvgwnrinz f<>r<=; mo. 12. oever, wit in the territory or jurisdiction of the grf°r°`g° °m`°d W` United States, increases or augments, or procures to be increased MR;. S-. M. 5285, r>· or zugmepllsed, or l?I1OW1I1gL¥ rsf concerned in increasing or augmen mg, e orce o an s p o war, cruiser, or other armed ves- ' sel which at the time oilher arrival within the United States was a_ ship of iwar, or cruiser, or armed vessel, in the service of any foreign prince or state, or of any colony, district,_or people, or belonging to the subjects or citizens of any such prince or state, colony, district, or people, the same being at war with any foreign prince gpsttate, or of Iany coipnyhcgstrictt, cpl; people,) with! wlhom the Uniteg esarea eace ya mgo enumerote sosu vessel, or by changing those on board of her for tsgudl a larger calrberl, plrbeymsidélrngt theretohany equgpment solelymapplicable to Puuinhm tf _ war s a e no more t an one thousand dollars d'- _ m or oned not more than one year. an linpm e,,Q,;§,*}{‘,fj,“¤,’gff{f,;{ TSec. 13. Whoever, withm the territory or jurisdiction of the frxgndéy igvepm p United States, begins, or sets on foot, or provides or prepares the mad ‘‘means for, any mihtary expedition or enterprise, to be carried on from thence against the territory or dominions of an foreign rince _ or state, or of any colony, district, or people, with whom the United P¤¤¤¤¤hme¤M<>r- Stafes ared at peace, ghall be fined not more than three thousand o ars an imprisone not more than three years. E°‘°'°°m°“‘ by Sec. 14, The district courts shall take cognizance of all com- Tzgia. sec. sw. p. pllaints, by wgiognsdgver gisgtuted, in cases of captures made within ` e waters o the United States, or within a marine league of the coasts or shores thereof. In every case in which a vessel is fitted out and armed or attempted to be fitted out and armed o ` which the forceiof any vessel of war, cruiser, or other armed, velssldl rs increased or augmented, or in which any military expedition or enterprise is begun or set on foot, contrary to the provisions and prohr itrons of this chapter; and in every case of the capture of a vessel within the jurisdiction or protection of the United States as before defined; and in eyery case in which any process issuing out of any court of the United States is disobe ed or resisted by any persoéi havipgfthe zustody of any Vtisspl Ofy“}81‘, crugser, or other arme vesse o any orer _ prince ors a e oro an co d` tt 0;- people, or of any subii;-cts or citizens, of any foreigdyprmscsbr Ofxlggggggéffmd state, or of any colony, district, or people, it shall be lawful for the President, or such other person as he shall have empowered for that
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1107