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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/174

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I56 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 166. 1908. V¤d¤*¤ °*°'*“”€- Undrawn clothin : For yment to discharged soldiers for clothing undrawn, one hundred andm two thousand seven hundred and seven dollars and eighty cents. _ M¤¢•8¢°°°*¤°°¤— Mileage: ]S€>r mileage to officers traveling under orders without troops, hfty thousand dollars. _ ¤<>¤¤¤¤*¤°*°¤ of `For commutation of quarters of officers on duty without troops °mm°m` where there are no public quarters, thirty-three thousand five hundred dollars. gi*¤*¤¤>*;dsm,s `PAY or CIVIL FORCE! In the office of the -Brigadier-General Cornomcziuma mandant: One chief clerk, at one thousand six undred dollars; one clerk, at, one thousand two hundred dollars; one messenger, at nine hundred and seventy-one dollars and twenty-eight cents. _

    • •Y¤¤*¤*’¤ °“*°°- In the office of the paymaster: One chief clerk, at one thousand six

hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars. In the office of each assistant paymaster: One clerk, at one thousand . four hundred dollars. A°H)‘;!;gj,,c:¤d l"" In the office of the adfutant and inspector: One chief clerk, at one specthousand' six hundred do lars; one clerk, at one thousand Eve hundred dollars. ` In the office of the assistant adjutant and inspector: One clerk, at - one thousand two hundred dollars.. ,g¤¤r=<¤¢¤¤¤¢€¤'¤ In the office of the quartermaster: One chief clerk, at one thousand ° °°' six hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one draftsman, at one thousand six hundred dollars. In the oflioe of the assistant quartermaster, Washington, District of Columbia, or San Francisco, California: Two clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; two clerks, for duty in the Philippine Islands, one in Pay and one in Quartermastefs Department, at one thousand four hundred dollars each. In the office of the assistant quartermaster, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: One clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one messenger, at eight hundred and forty dollars; in the Quartermastens Depart- .ment, for duty where their services are required, two clerks at one thousand four hundred dollars each. ¤i¤b¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- In all, for pay of civil force, thirty-four thousand hve hundred and eleven dollars and twenty-eight cents: and the money herein specitially appropriated for pay of the Marine Corps shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with existing law as pay of the Marine Corps, and for that purpose shall constitute one fund. . In all, pay Marine Corps. four million forty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty-nine dollars and sixty-three cents. P’r<>vi·i·»¤~·<·¤<·— Pnovrsroxs, Mamxm Cours: For noncommissioned officers, musicians, and privates serving ashore, for subsistence of enlisted men when travc ing on duty, or cash in lieu thereof, for commutation of rations to enlisted men regularly detailed as clerks and messengers, for payment of board and lodging of recruiting Jarties, transportation of plrovisions. and the employment of necessary labor connected therewit . and for icc for preservation of rations, seven hundred and twenty- _ three thousand five hundred and forty-three dollars: and no law shall be construed to entitle marines on shore duty to any rations, or commutation thereof, other than such now are or may hereafter be allowed r3r·»giq».rm0n_ Ur to enlisted men in the Army: I’r0~`rZeeZ, /www.·e2·, That when it is (‘0lffIlI\l{8.I`l0lL impracticable or the expense is found greater to supply marines serving on shore duty in the island possessions and on foreign stations with · the army ration. such marines may be allowed the navv ration or commutation therefor. ` ¤i¤¤¤i¤s- Cnorrmxe, Msmxa Cours: For nonconunissioned officers, musicians. and privates authorized by law. seven hundred and twentv— tive thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. '