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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/175

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. (`I1. 166. 1908. 157 FUEL, MARINE CORPSZ For heating barracks and quarters, for F“°l· ranges and stoves for cooking, fuel for enlisted men, for sales to officers, maintaining electric lights, one hundred and twelve thousand _ dollars. MILITARY STORES, MARINE Conrs: Pay of chief armorer, at four Mmwfv MMS- dollars per da ; one mechanic, at three dollars per day; two mechanics, at two dollars and fifty cents each per day; for purchase of military equipments, such as rifles, revolvers, cartridge boxes, bayonet scabbards, haversacks, blanket bags, knapsacks, canteens, musket slings, swords, drums, trumpets, fla s, waist belts, waist plates, cartridge belts, sashes for officer of the dag, spare parts for repairin muskets, purchase and repzir of tents an field ovens, purchase am? repair of mstruments for nd, purchase of music and musical accessories, purchase and marking of prizes for excellence in unnery and ritle ractice, good-conduct badges; and medals awardedg to ofdcers and enllisted men by the Government for cons icuous, llant, and special service; for incidental expenses of the School ofgu Application; for the con.- struction, equipment, and maintenance of school, library, and amusement rooms and gpmnasiums for enlisted men, and the purchase and repair of all artic es of field sports for enlisted men; urchase and repair of signal equipment and stores; for the establishment and maintenance of targets and ranges, and renting ranges, and for entrance fees in competitions; and for procuring, preserving, and handling ammunition, and other necessary military supplies, two . hundred and seventy thousand dollars. ' TRANs1>on*rA·rIoN ANR RECRUITING, MARINE CoR1>s: For transpor- mT,*:{ggg¤*”°¤ ¤¤° tation of troops including ferriage and transfers en route, or cash in ' lieu thereof, and the ex(pense of the recruiting service, two hundred and sixty-one thousand ollars. . Fon REr·AIns or 'nARRAcKs, MARINE Cours: Repairs and improve- R¢v¤i¤¤**··*¤·=k¤· ments to barracks and quarters at Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Boston, Massachusetts; Narragansett Station, Rhode Island; New York, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Annapolis, Maryland; headquarters and navy-yard, District of Columbia; Norfolk, Virginia; Port Royal and Charleston, South Carolina; Pensacola, Florida; Dry '1`ortugas, Florida; New Orleans, Louisiana; Mare Island and San F rancisco, California; Bremerton, l¢Vashington; Sitka, Alaska, and Isthmus of Panama; for the renting, leasing, im rovement, and erection of buildings in Porto Rico, the Territory oi, Hawaii, the Philippine Islands, at Guam, the District of Columbia, and at such other places as the public exigencies require; and for per diem to enlisted men employed under the direction of the Quartermaster’s Department on the repair of barracks, quarters, and the other public buildings, ninety-six thousand eight hundred and thirty-six dollars. · _ FORAGE, MARINE Cours: For forage in kind for horses of the P""`"` Quartermastefs De artment, and the authorized number of officers’ horses, and for stabiing of public horses, nineteen thousand two hundred dollars. _ Comm·rA·r1oN or QUARTERS, MARINE Cours: For commutation of _“§,§,'g‘,s'f*“‘“'*°“°* ‘ quarters for officers serving with troops where there are no public quarters belonging to the overnment, and where there are not suHi— cient quarters possessed by the United States to accommodate them; for commutation of guarters for enlisted men employed as clerks and messengers in the offices of the commandant, adjutant and inzpector, paymaster and quartermaster, and the offices of the assistant jutant and inspectors, the assistant paymasters, and the assistant quartermasters, at twenty-one dollars each per month, and for enlisted men employed as messengers in said offices, at ten dollars each per month, sixty-eight thousan dollars. 80893-von 35, rr 1-09--12