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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/177

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 166. 1908. 159 The Secretary of the Nav , in his discretion, is hereb authorized Th’?°' °°“l°'S 0* to purchase three new steanircolliers of American registhy, having a Mmmm mgmm cargo carrying capacity ofapproximately seven thousand two hundred tons dead weight each, at a cost not exceeding five hundred and twenty- five thousand dollars each; and the sum of one million five hundred u{gg;gg*i¤*i°¤¤ {0* and seventy-five thousand dollars is hereby appro riated, out of any P ' money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated), for the purchase of the colliers above authorized. And the contract for the construction of said vessels shall be awarded -‘“""l °* °°¤'¤*°*‘*· by the Secretary of the Navy to the lowest best res nsible bidder, having in view the best results and most expeditious dglivery; and in Comtmctm the construction of all of said vessels the provisions of the Act of “v¤1.24, p.215. August third, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, entitled "An Act to increase the naval establishment," as to materials for said vessels, their engines, boilers, and machinery, the contracts under which they are built, the notice of any pro sals for the same; the plans, drawings, specifications therefor, andxlhe method of executing said contracts shall be observed and followed, and, subject to the provisions of this Act, all said vessels shall be built in com lianee with the terms of said Act, and in all their parts shall be of dhmestic manufacture; and the steel material shall be of domestic manufacture, and of the quality and characteristics best adapted to the various purposes for which it may be used, in accordance with specifications approved by the Secretary of the Navy. For eight submarine torpedo boats, in an amount not exceeding in ,,,§,'{_,'f“‘“"'“° “"'*’°"° the aggregate three million five hundred thousand dollars, and the sum Apgwpmricn for of three million dollars is hereby appropriated toward said purpose pun m` and for the completion of submarine boats heretofore authorized. _ Cousraucuox AND menmnnr: Ou account of hulls and outfits of m§,§,°,g";“,f‘Q‘,§,f'°“ "“‘ vessels and steam machinery of vessels heretofore authorized, nine million eight hundred and thirty-two thousand nine hundred and sixty- two dollars. Anmon Axn Auuamnsr: Toward the armor and armament of domes- mg‘,§{$‘°" "““ ‘"“‘“‘ tic manufacture for vessels authorized, seven million dollars. _ Toward the construction and machinery and armor and armament u駒§;§_§’,Q;"‘*" "" of the vessels herein authorized, seven million dollars: Prm·¢'ded, §¤>··¤¤·¤- _ That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for armor for mm °°°"°°°' vessels except upon contracts for such armor when awarded by the Secretary of the Navy to the lowest responsible bidders, having in view the best results and most expeditious delivery. _ Ixcnnasn or run Navy, nourrmmsrz Toward the completion of the *““‘*"“°"'· elqippment outt of the new vessels authorized, four hundred thousand ol ars. Total increase of the Navy, thirty million three hundred and seven thotpsand nine hundred and sixty-two dgllarsh A h H d f T at no rtof any sum appropriate by t is ct s a be use or .V=j ‘>*.¤P ’°P’*¤· any expensida of the Navy Department at Washington unless specific HOT},,? authority is given by law for such expenditure. So much of the Act entitled ‘“An Act making appropriations for the “,§gS’g,'£{§·6n on mlm_ naval service for the fiscal year ending June thirtiet , eighteen hun- mg.»mm·sa. dred and ninety-nine, and for other purposes," approved May fourth. v°l'°°‘ "' 3°°' eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, as provides that monitors owned by the United States shall be named for the States, and shall not be named for any city, lace, or person until the names of the States shall have been exhausted? is hereby repealed, and monitors now owned bv the United States or hereafter built may be named as the President may direct. , Approved, May 13, 1908.