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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/178

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160 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 168. 1908. Ha{‘14,19(B. CHAP. 168.-An Act To authorise additional aids to navigation in the Ugh? [H· ·m“·] House Establishment, and for other purposes. "’“"""’ N" `"`I 1;.; a enactadha; the sms and Home Ofnqpmmmrm we mage ,,,,£lf‘,}'{,’,§°}‘,j',}’“,;,,,,f'T,{§‘§f States of America in Oongresc absemblcd, That the Secretary of Com- M<**¤¤¤¤*· °¤*•** meroe and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized to establish and ming] p.331. rovide the following additional aids to navigation in the Light-House Establishment under the Light-House Board in the Department of Commerce and Labor, in accordance with the respective limits of cost . hereinafter respectively set forth, which shall in no case be exceeded: m,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,_ Fmsr LIGHT-HOUSE DISTRICT. A tender for use in the First light-house district and elsewhere as may be directed, at a cost not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars. Tum dish-ict_ Q THIRD LIGHT·HOUSE DISTRIH. A light and fo 4signal station at or near Negro Point, on Wards Island, Hellgszte, That River, New York, at a cost not to exceed ten thousand do rs. A light and signal or whistling buoy fitted with submarine bell off Point Judith, Rhode Island, at a cost not to exceed nine thousand dollars. A light and signal or whistling buoy fitted with submarine bell, to beplaced at or near the entrance to the dredged channel at Greenville, New Jersey, in New York Bay, at a- cost not to exceed nine thousand dollars. A new s r shop, at a cost not to exceed three thousand dollars, and ` a wooden diilmp scow, at a cost not to exceed seven thousand five hundred dollars, at the general light-house depot, Tompkinsville, New York. A storehouse and dock at San Juan, Porto Rico, at a cost not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars. F¤¤¤¤ ¤¥¤¢¤¤*— rouirm 1.1enr—nous1·: DISTRIU1`. The limit of cost for a lightand fog—signal station on Elbow of Cross V'*‘·3*‘·P·“7- Ledge, Delaware Bay, New Jersey, authorized by an Act approved April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four, is hereby increased by the sum of twenty-one thousand five hundred dollars, so as to make the limit of cost ninet *-six thousand five hundred dollars instead of seventy~tive thousand cllollars, as heretofore authorized. The Schooner Ledge range lights, Delaware River, Pennsylvania, may be moved, so as to comply with the change in position of the dredged channel of the Delaware River, at a cost not to exceed ten thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. Range lights, Recdy Island, Delaware River, Delaware and New Jersey, at a cost not to exceed twenty-tive thousand dollars in addition to the amounts heretofore appro riated. A temporary light at Goose Island Nlats. Delaware River, Delaware, at a cost not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause the uncxpended balance of the a propriation for the establishment of a light and fog-signal station at (goose Island V°'-33-P-1*7*- Flats, Delaware River.`in the Act of March third, nineteen hundred and five, to be carried to the surplus fund and covered into the Treasury. Post lights on Delaware River between Bordentown and Trenton, New Jersey, at a cost not to exceed five hundred dollars.